utf16string 0.2.0

String types to work directly with UTF-16 encoded strings
# UTF-16 string types

This crate provides two string types to work with UTF-16 encoded
bytes, they are directly analogous to how `String` and `&str` work
with UTF-8 encoded bytes.

UTF-16 can be encoded in little- and big-endian byte order, this crate
identifies which encoding the types contain to using a generic
[byteorder](https://docs.rs/byteorder) type, thus the main types
exposed are:

- `&WStr<ByteOrder>`
- `WString<ByteOrder>`

These types aim to behave very similar to the standard libarary `&str`
and `String` types.  While many APIs are already covered, feel free to
contribute more methods.

Documentation is [at docs.rs](https://docs.rs/utf16string).  Currently
a lot of documentation is rather terse, referring to the matching
methods on the string types in the standard library is best in those
cases.  Feel free to contribute more exhaustive in-line docs.