upcast-arithmetic 0.1.2

Arithmetic that is upcasted on overflow
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//! Utility library for dealing with arithmetic on type limits by upcasting into types with higher
//! limits.
//! # Examples
//! ##  Without `upcast_arithmetic` (panics)
//! ```should_panic
//! let a = u8::MAX;
//! let b = 2u8;
//! let modulo = u8::MAX;
//! # #[allow(arithmetic_overflow)]
//! let res = (a + b) % modulo;
//! assert_eq!(res, 2);
//! ```
//! ## With `upcast_arithmetic`
//! ```
//! use upcast_arithmetic::*;
//! let a = u8::MAX;
//! let b = 2u8;
//! let modulo = u8::MAX;
//! let res = a.upcast_add_mod(b, modulo);
//! assert_eq!(res, 2);
//! ```
//! # Performance
//! The performance overhead is very small. In benchmarks it seems like there is only a neglegible
//! performance penelty, compared to assuming no overflow occurs.
//! # `no_std`
//! The crate is fully `#![no_std]` compatible.
//! # Unsafe
//! There is no unsafe code and the flag `#![deny(unsafe_code)]` is set.
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]

use core::ops::{Add, Mul, MulAssign, Rem, Sub};

/// Performs checked addition. Maps directly to the integers checked_add method. (i.e.
/// [`u8::checked_add`]) Consult the docs of the primitive methods to learn more.
pub trait CheckedAdd: Add + Sized {
    /// performs checked add
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use upcast_arithmetic::CheckedAdd;
    /// let a = 1u8;
    /// let b = 2u8;
    /// assert_eq!(CheckedAdd::checked_add(a, b), a.checked_add(b));
    /// let b = u8::MAX;
    /// assert_eq!(CheckedAdd::checked_add(a, b), a.checked_add(b));
    /// ```
    fn checked_add(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self>;

/// Performs checked substraction. Maps directly to the integers checked_sub method. (i.e.
/// [`u8::checked_sub`]) Consult the docs of the primitive methods to learn more.
pub trait CheckedSub: Sub + Sized {
    /// performs checked sub
    /// # Example 
    /// ```
    /// # use upcast_arithmetic::CheckedSub;
    /// let a = 2u8;
    /// let b = 1u8;
    /// assert_eq!(CheckedSub::checked_sub(a, b), a.checked_sub(b));
    /// assert_eq!(CheckedSub::checked_sub(b, a), b.checked_sub(a));
    fn checked_sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self>;

/// Performs checked multiplication. Maps directly to the integers checked_mul method. (i.e.
/// [`u8::checked_mul`]) Consult the docs of the primitive methods to learn more.
pub trait CheckedMul: Mul + Sized {
    /// performs checked mul
    /// # Example 
    /// ```
    /// # use upcast_arithmetic::CheckedMul;
    /// let a = 2u8;
    /// let b = 1u8;
    /// assert_eq!(CheckedMul::checked_mul(a, b), a.checked_mul(b));
    /// assert_eq!(CheckedMul::checked_mul(a, u8::MAX), a.checked_mul(u8::MAX));
    fn checked_mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self>;

/// Performs checked power. Maps directly to the integers checked_pow method. (i.e.
/// [`u8::checked_pow`]) Consult the docs of the primitive methods to learn more.
pub trait CheckedPow: Sized {
    /// performs checked pow
    fn checked_pow(self, exp: u32) -> Option<Self>;

macro_rules! checked_impl {
    ($t:ty) => {
        impl CheckedAdd for $t {
            fn checked_add(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self> {
                Self::checked_add(self, rhs)

        impl CheckedSub for $t {
            fn checked_sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self> {
                Self::checked_sub(self, rhs)

        impl CheckedMul for $t {
            fn checked_mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self> {
                Self::checked_mul(self, rhs)

        impl CheckedPow for $t {
            fn checked_pow(self, exp: u32) -> Option<Self> {
                Self::checked_pow(self, exp)


/// Performs power (self ^ exp). Maps directly to the underlaying integer method.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the calculation overflows.
pub trait Pow: Sized {
    /// performs power operation
    fn pow(self, exp: u32) -> Self;

macro_rules! pow_impl {
    ($t:ty) => {
        impl Pow for $t {
            fn pow(self, exp: u32) -> Self {
                Self::pow(self, exp)


/// Performs upcasting to type with higher (and/or lower) limits.
/// i.e. casts u8 to u16
pub trait Upcast: Sized {
    /// The higher type casted to (if Self is u8, this is u16).
    type Higher;

    /// Casts self to higher.
    fn upcast(self) -> Self::Higher;
    /// Attempts to cast down to lower from higher. Returns [`Option::None`] if inp exceeds the
    /// limits of Self.
    fn downcast(inp: Self::Higher) -> Option<Self>;

macro_rules! upcast_impl {
    ($t:ty, $h:ty) => {
        impl Upcast for $t {
            type Higher = $h;

            fn upcast(self) -> Self::Higher {

            fn downcast(inp: Self::Higher) -> Option<Self> {

upcast_impl!(u8, u16);
upcast_impl!(u16, u32);
upcast_impl!(u32, u64);
upcast_impl!(u64, u128);
upcast_impl!(i8, i16);
upcast_impl!(i16, i32);
upcast_impl!(i32, i64);
upcast_impl!(i64, i128);

/// Trait for the one value of a type.
pub trait One {
    /// Associated constant.
    const ONE: Self;

macro_rules! one_impl {
    ($t:ty) => {
        impl One for $t {
            const ONE: Self = 1;


/// Trait to implement upcast add. (Casting up when type bounds are hit during arithmetic)
pub trait UpcastAdd<H: Add<Output = H> + Rem<Output = H>>:
    Upcast<Higher = H> + CheckedAdd + Copy
    /// performs the operation `self + rhs` and returns value as type H.
    /// ```
    /// # use upcast_arithmetic::UpcastAdd;
    /// let a = u8::MAX;
    /// let b = u8::MAX;
    /// // a + b would panic
    /// let res = a.upcast_add(b);
    /// let expected = (a as u16) * 2;
    /// assert_eq!(res, expected);
    /// ```
    fn upcast_add(self, rhs: Self) -> H {
            .map_or_else(|| self.upcast() + rhs.upcast(), Upcast::upcast)

    /// performs the operation `(self + rhs) % modulo` and returns the value as type Self.
    /// ```
    /// # use upcast_arithmetic::UpcastAdd;
    /// let a = u8::MAX;
    /// let b = 10;
    /// let modulo = u8::MAX;
    /// let expected = b;
    /// let res = a.upcast_add_mod(b, modulo);
    /// assert_eq!(res, expected);
    fn upcast_add_mod(self, rhs: Self, modulo: Self) -> Self {
        Self::downcast(Self::upcast_add(self, rhs).rem(modulo.upcast())).unwrap()

/// Trait to implement upcast sub. (Casting up when type bounds are hit during arithmetic)
pub trait UpcastSub<H: Sub<Output = H> + Rem<Output = H>>:
    Upcast<Higher = H> + CheckedSub + Copy
    /// performs the operatoin `self - rhs` and returns value as type H.
    /// ```
    /// # use upcast_arithmetic::UpcastSub;
    /// let a = i8::MIN;
    /// let b = 10;
    /// let expected = i8::MIN as i16 - 10;
    /// let res = a.upcast_sub(b);
    /// assert_eq!(res, expected);
    /// ```
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the operation still exceeds the higher types limit.
    /// ```should_panic
    /// # use upcast_arithmetic::UpcastSub;
    /// let a = 1u8;
    /// let b = 2u8;
    /// let _ = a.upcast_sub(b);
    /// ```
    fn upcast_sub(self, rhs: Self) -> H {
            .map_or_else(|| self.upcast() - rhs.upcast(), Upcast::upcast)

    /// performs the operation `(self - rhs) % modulo` and returns value as type Self.
    /// ```
    /// # use upcast_arithmetic::UpcastSub;
    /// let a = i8::MIN;
    /// let b = 10;
    /// let modulo = i8::MIN;
    /// let expected = -10;
    /// let res = a.upcast_sub_mod(b, modulo);
    /// assert_eq!(res, expected);
    /// ```
    fn upcast_sub_mod(self, rhs: Self, modulo: Self) -> Self {
        Self::downcast(Self::upcast_sub(self, rhs).rem(modulo.upcast())).unwrap()

/// Trait to implement upcast mul. (Casting up when type bounds are hit during arithmetic)
pub trait UpcastMul<H: Mul<Output = H> + Rem<Output = H>>:
    Upcast<Higher = H> + CheckedMul + Rem<Output = Self> + Copy
    /// performs the operation `self * rhs` and returns a value of type H.
    /// ```
    /// # use upcast_arithmetic::UpcastMul;
    /// let a = u8::MAX;
    /// let b = 2;
    /// let expected = u8::MAX as u16 * 2;
    /// let res = a.upcast_mul(b);
    /// assert_eq!(res, expected);
    /// ```
    fn upcast_mul(self, rhs: Self) -> H {
            .map_or_else(|| self.upcast() * rhs.upcast(), Upcast::upcast)

    /// performs the operation `(self * rhs) % modulo` and returns the a value of type Self.
    fn upcast_mul_mod(self, rhs: Self, modulo: Self) -> Self {
        Self::downcast(Self::upcast_mul(self, rhs).rem(modulo.upcast())).unwrap()

/// Trait to perform upcast pow. (Casting up when type bounds are hit during arithmetic)
/// # Why the additional bounds?
/// The algorithm to perform `(self % rhs) % modulo` is not as straightforward as the other
/// algorithms. The reason behind this is a more complex algorithm used to calculate `(self * rhs)
/// % modulo`.
pub trait UpcastPow<H>: Upcast<Higher = H> + CheckedPow + Copy + Rem<Output = Self>
    H: Pow + One + PartialOrd + Rem<Output = H> + MulAssign + Copy,
    /// performs the operation `self * rhs` and returns a value of type H.
    fn upcast_pow(self, exp: u32) -> H {
            .map_or_else(|| self.upcast().pow(32), Upcast::upcast)

    /// performs the operation `(self * rhs) % modulo` and returns a value of type Self.
    /// The implementation uses the [Right-to-left binary
    /// method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_exponentiation#Right-to-left_binary_method).
    fn upcast_pow_mod(self, mut exp: u32, modulo: Self) -> Self {
            || {
                let mut res: H = H::ONE;
                let mut x_upcast = self.upcast();
                while exp > 0 {
                    if exp % 2 == 1 {
                        res *= x_upcast;
                    exp >>= 1;
                    x_upcast *= x_upcast;
                Self::downcast(res % modulo.upcast()).unwrap()
            |e| e % modulo,

macro_rules! upcast_arith_impl {
    ($t:ty, $h:ty) => {
        impl UpcastAdd<$h> for $t {}
        impl UpcastMul<$h> for $t {}
        impl UpcastPow<$h> for $t {}
        impl UpcastSub<$h> for $t {}

upcast_arith_impl!(u8, u16);
upcast_arith_impl!(u16, u32);
upcast_arith_impl!(u32, u64);
upcast_arith_impl!(u64, u128);
upcast_arith_impl!(i8, i16);
upcast_arith_impl!(i16, i32);
upcast_arith_impl!(i32, i64);
upcast_arith_impl!(i64, i128);

/// utilities for performing upcast arithmetic in `const`.
#[cfg(any(feature = "const", doc))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "const")))]
pub mod constant {
    macro_rules! gen_upcast_arith {
        ($t:ty, $h:ty, $i:ident, $o:ident, $m:ident, $e:tt, $d:meta, $mo:meta) => {
            pub const fn $i(lhs: $t, rhs: $t) -> $h {
                match lhs.$m(rhs) {
                    Some(e) => e as $h,
                    None => (lhs as $h) $e (rhs as $h),

            pub const fn $o(lhs: $t, rhs: $t, modulo: $t) -> $t {
                match lhs.$m(rhs) {
                    Some(e) => e % modulo,
                    None => (((lhs as $h) $e (rhs as $h)) % (modulo as $h)) as $t,
    macro_rules! gen_upcast_add_impl {
        ($t:ty, $h:ty, $i:ident, $o:ident) => {
            gen_upcast_arith!($t, $h, $i, $o, checked_add, +, doc = "const equivalent of [`UpcastAdd::upcast_add`](crate::UpcastAdd::upcast_add).", doc = "const equivalent of [`UpcastAdd::upcast_add_mod`](crate::UpcastAdd::upcast_add_mod).");
    macro_rules! gen_upcast_sub_impl {
        ($t:ty, $h:ty, $i:ident, $o:ident) => {
            gen_upcast_arith!($t, $h, $i, $o, checked_sub, -, doc = "const equivalent of [`UpcastSub::upcast_sub`](crate::UpcastSub::upcast_sub).", doc = "const equivalent of [`UpcastSub::upcast_sub_mod`](crate::UpcastSub::upcast_sub_mod).");

    macro_rules! gen_upcast_mul_impl {
        ($t:ty, $h:ty, $i:ident, $o:ident) => {
            gen_upcast_arith!($t, $h, $i, $o, checked_mul, *, doc = "const equivalent of [`UpcastMul::upcast_mul`](crate::UpcastMul::upcast_mul).", doc = "const equivalent of [`UpcastMul::upcast_mul_mod`](crate::UpcastMul::upcast_mul_mod).");

    gen_upcast_add_impl!(u8, u16, upcast_add_u8, upcast_add_mod_u8);
    gen_upcast_add_impl!(u16, u32, upcast_add_u16, upcast_add_mod_u16);
    gen_upcast_add_impl!(u32, u64, upcast_add_u32, upcast_add_mod_u32);
    gen_upcast_add_impl!(u64, u128, upcast_add_u64, upcast_add_mod_u64);
    gen_upcast_add_impl!(i8, i16, upcast_add_i8, upcast_add_mod_i8);
    gen_upcast_add_impl!(i16, i32, upcast_add_i16, upcast_add_mod_i16);
    gen_upcast_add_impl!(i32, i64, upcast_add_i32, upcast_add_mod_i32);
    gen_upcast_add_impl!(i64, i128, upcast_add_i64, upcast_add_mod_i64);

    gen_upcast_sub_impl!(u8, u16, upcast_sub_u8, upcast_sub_mod_u8);
    gen_upcast_sub_impl!(u16, u32, upcast_sub_u16, upcast_sub_mod_u16);
    gen_upcast_sub_impl!(u32, u64, upcast_sub_u32, upcast_sub_mod_u32);
    gen_upcast_sub_impl!(u64, u128, upcast_sub_u64, upcast_sub_mod_u64);
    gen_upcast_sub_impl!(i8, i16, upcast_sub_i8, upcast_sub_mod_i8);
    gen_upcast_sub_impl!(i16, i32, upcast_sub_i16, upcast_sub_mod_i16);
    gen_upcast_sub_impl!(i32, i64, upcast_sub_i32, upcast_sub_mod_i32);
    gen_upcast_sub_impl!(i64, i128, upcast_sub_i64, upcast_sub_mod_i64);

    gen_upcast_mul_impl!(u8, u16, upcast_mul_u8, upcast_mul_mod_u8);
    gen_upcast_mul_impl!(u16, u32, upcast_mul_u16, upcast_mul_mod_u16);
    gen_upcast_mul_impl!(u32, u64, upcast_mul_u32, upcast_mul_mod_u32);
    gen_upcast_mul_impl!(u64, u128, upcast_mul_u64, upcast_mul_mod_u64);
    gen_upcast_mul_impl!(i8, i16, upcast_mul_i8, upcast_mul_mod_i8);
    gen_upcast_mul_impl!(i16, i32, upcast_mul_i16, upcast_mul_mod_i16);
    gen_upcast_mul_impl!(i32, i64, upcast_mul_i32, upcast_mul_mod_i32);
    gen_upcast_mul_impl!(i64, i128, upcast_mul_i64, upcast_mul_mod_i64);