up-rs 0.13.3

up-rs is a tool to help you keep your machine up to date.
use color_eyre::eyre::{Context, Result};
use git2::{Branch, BranchType, Direction, ErrorCode, Remote, Repository};
use log::{debug, trace, warn};

use crate::tasks::git::{errors::GitError as E, fetch::remote_callbacks, update::get_config_value};

pub(in crate::tasks::git) fn delete_branch(repo: &Repository, branch: &mut Branch) -> Result<()> {
        "Deleting '{}' branch '{}', was at '{}'",


/// Remove the leading `refs/heads/` from a branch,
/// e.g. `refs/heads/master` -> `master`.
pub(super) fn shorten_branch_ref(branch: &str) -> &str {
    let short_branch = branch.trim_start_matches("refs/heads/");
    let short_branch = short_branch.trim_start_matches("refs/remotes/");
    trace!("Shortened branch: {branch} -> {short_branch}",);

/// Get the @{push} branch if it exists.
/// Work around lack of this function in libgit2, upstream issue
/// [libgit2#5689](https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/issues/5689).
pub(in crate::tasks::git) fn get_push_branch<'a>(
    repo: &'a Repository,
    branch: &str,
    config: &git2::Config,
) -> Result<Option<Branch<'a>>> {
    debug!("Getting push branch for {branch}");

    match get_push_remote(branch, config)? {
        Some(remote) => {
            // If the push default isn't a remote ignore it.
            // e.g. when using `gh pr checkout`, the remote.pushDefault will be set to the URL of
            // the fork repo, e.g. https://github.com/user/repo.git
            match repo.find_remote(&remote) {
                Ok(_) => {}
                Err(e) if e.code() == ErrorCode::InvalidSpec => return Ok(None),
                Err(e) if e.code() == ErrorCode::NotFound => return Ok(None),
                Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),

            let remote_ref = format!("{remote}/{branch}");
            trace!("Checking push remote for matching branch {remote_ref}");
            match repo.find_branch(&remote_ref, BranchType::Remote) {
                Ok(branch) => Ok(Some(branch)),
                Err(e) if e.code() == ErrorCode::NotFound => Ok(None),
                Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
        None => Ok(None),

/// Get the push remote if it exists.
fn get_push_remote(branch: &str, config: &git2::Config) -> Result<Option<String>> {
    debug!("Getting push remote for {branch}");

    let push_remote_branch_config = format!("branch.{branch}.pushRemote");
    trace!("Checking config value: {push_remote_branch_config}");

    // If git config branch.<branch>.pushRemote exists return that.
    if let Some(val) = get_config_value(config, &push_remote_branch_config)? {
        return Ok(Some(val));

    let push_remote_default_config = "remote.pushDefault";
    trace!("Checking config value: {push_remote_default_config}");

    // If git config remote.pushDefault exists return that.
    if let Some(val) = get_config_value(config, push_remote_default_config)? {
        return Ok(Some(val));

    // Else return None.

// Return the HEAD branch of the specified remote in the repository.
pub(super) fn calculate_head(repo: &Repository, remote: &mut Remote) -> Result<String> {
    let head_if_set = repo.head();
    Ok(match head_if_set {
        Ok(head) => head
        Err(head_err) if head_err.code() == ErrorCode::UnbornBranch => {
            // TODO(gib): avoid fetching again here.
                let mut count = 0;
                remote.connect_auth(Direction::Fetch, Some(remote_callbacks(&mut count)), None)?;
            let default_branch = remote
        Err(head_err) => Err(head_err).context(E::NoHeadSet)?,

/// Convert a git branch to a String name.
pub(super) fn get_branch_name(branch: &Branch) -> Result<String> {