unix_mode 0.1.4

Decode, interpret, and display Unix file mode bits (even on non-Unix platforms)
# unix_mode: Decode, interpret, and display Unix file mode bits


`unix_mode` provides functions to decode, interpret, and display Unix mode bits
and permissions, even on non-Unix platforms.

On Unix, decoding is supported by `std::os::unix::fs` in the standard library,
but this crate adds a function to render them in the format used by `ls -l`, and
to understand the file type and permissions.

    assert_eq!(unix_mode::to_string(0o0040755), "drwxr-xr-x");
    assert_eq!(unix_mode::to_string(0o0100640), "-rw-r-----");

    assert_eq!(unix_mode::is_symlink(0o0040755), false);

For API documentation see <https://docs.rs/unix_mode>.

## License


## Contributing

Patches are very welcome.

Please read the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) and
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This is not an official Google project. It is not supported by Google, and
Google specifically disclaims all warranties as to its quality, merchantability,
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