underscore_args 0.1.2

Macro for underscore named argument syntax, aka Dyon


Macro for underscore named argumet syntax, aka Dyon.

This library requires Rust 2018 nightly and only works for functions, not methods.

By naming a function line__color_from_to, one can call it like this:

args!(line(color: [1.0; 4], from: [0.0, 0.0], to: [100.0, 100.0]))
  • Double underscore after function name and before the name of the first argument
  • Single underscore separating arguments



use underscore_args::args;

fn line__color_from_to(_color: [f32; 4], _from: [f32; 2], _to: [f32; 2]) {}

args!(line(color: [1.0; 4], from: [0.0, 0.0], to: [100.0, 100.0]));