umask 2.1.0

utility to deal with unix access mode
//! A light utility helping with unix mode representation, with strong
//!  types to avoid misusing constants.
//! The Mode struct implements `Display` and prints as `"rwxrwxrwx"`
//! ```
//! use umask::*;
//! // You can build from a number:
//! assert_eq!("rw-r--r--", Mode::from(0b110100100).to_string());
//! assert_eq!("rw-r--r--", Mode::from(0o644).to_string());
//! // Or from a string:
//! let mode: Mode = "rw-rw-r--".parse().unwrap();
//! assert_eq!("rw-rw-r--", mode.to_string());
//! // You may use `|` to combine class permissions:
//! let mu = Mode::from(0o640);
//! let mo = Mode::from(0o044);
//! assert_eq!("rw-r--r--", (mu | mo).to_string());
//! assert_eq!("---r-----", (mu & mo).to_string());
//! // You can use more semantic constructs:
//! let m = Mode::all()
//!     .without(ALL_EXEC);
//! assert_eq!("rw-rw-rw-", m.to_string());
//! let mut m = Mode::new()
//!     .with_class_perm(ALL, READ)
//!     .with_class_perm(USER, WRITE);
//! assert_eq!("rw-r--r--", m.to_string());
//! // (semantic functions can be used in const declarations)
//! // Or
//! m |= ALL_EXEC;
//! assert_eq!("rwxr-xr-x", m.to_string());
//! let m = ALL_READ | USER_WRITE;
//! assert_eq!("rw-r--r--", m.to_string());
//! // Displaying the mode can be done with the `Display`
//! // implementation but also bit per bit for more control
//! assert_eq!(
//!     m.to_string().chars().next().unwrap(), // first char: 'r' or '-'
//!     if m.has(USER_READ) { 'r' } else { '-' },
//! );
//! // The `Display` implementation shows the extra permission bits
//! // (setuid, setgid and sticky):
//! let mut m = Mode::all()
//!     .with_extra(STICKY)
//!     .with_extra(SETUID)
//!     .with_extra(SETGID);
//! assert_eq!("rwsrwsrwt", m.to_string());
//! // But you can remove those bits for display if you want the
//! // sometimes more familiar 'x' for execution:
//! assert_eq!("rwxrwxrwx", m.without_any_extra().to_string());
//! ```
mod mode;

pub use mode::*;