ul-next 0.2.0

Ultralight Rust bindings
# ul-next

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High level rust bindings for [Ultralight]. Alternative for the abandoned [`rust-ul`].

[Ultralight] is a lightweight, high-performance HTML rendering engine designed for applications that require a high degree of customization. Using GPU-accelerated HTML rendering, it's a great fit for rendering user interfaces in games, and other applications.

Tested on Windows and Linux.

> The API currently resembles the original C++ API for simplicity, and probably it will be changed to be more `rust` idiomatic.
> Though it shouldn't affect older versions because of [`semver`]https://semver.org/.
> See the [CHANGELOG]./CHANGELOG.md for more information.

## Extra files

You need to include `resources` folder in the execution directory.

You can find the resources folder in the [Ultralight SDK]

## Examples

To see how this library is used, please check the examples in the [`examples`](./examples/) directory.

cargo run --example=basic_app

> For now, must be run from the root of the project, as it needs to find the `resources` folder in the `examples` directory.

## Deployment

The samples compiled rely on dynamic libraries provided by `Ultralight`:
- `libUltralightCore.so`/`UltralightCore.dll`
- `libUltralight.so`/`Ultralight.dll`
- `libWebCore.so`/`WebCore.dll`
- `libAppCore.so`/`AppCore.dll`

These can be downloaded from the [Ultralight SDK].

> Rust will download them during build as well, but are kept inside the `target` directory.

## License
This project uses the `ULTRALIGHT FREE LICENSE AGREEMENT - V1`. See [LICENSE](./LICENSE.txt) for more information.

[`rust-ul`]: https://github.com/psychonautwiki/rust-ul
[Ultralight]: https://ultralig.ht
[Ultralight SDK]: https://github.com/ultralight-ux/Ultralight/releases/latest