uil_parsers 0.0.3

Parsers for uil.

// Dependencies
use self::parser::Parser;
use xml::attribute::OwnedAttribute;
use std::io::BufRead;
use ErrorReporter;
use uil_shared::markup::Node;

pub use self::lib::Library;

// Name for the "main" view.
pub const MAIN_VIEW_NAME: &'static str = "main";

// Tag list
const TEMPLATE_TAG: &'static str = "template";
const VIEW_TAG: &'static str = "view";
const GROUP_TAG: &'static str = "group";
const BUTTON_TAG: &'static str = "button";
const LINE_INPUT_TAG: &'static str = "line-input";
const PROGRESS_BAR_TAG: &'static str = "progress-bar";
const REPEAT_TAG: &'static str = "repeat";

mod parser;
mod tags;
mod lib;

/// Parse the given BufRead.
/// # Example:
/// ```
/// use uil_parsers::StdOutErrorReporter;
/// use uil_parsers::markup;
/// let reader = std::io::BufReader::new(
///     "<view name=\"toto\">\
///     </view>\
/// ".as_bytes());
/// markup::parse(StdOutErrorReporter, reader);
/// ```
pub fn parse<E, B>(reporter: E, reader: B) -> Library<E>
    where E: ErrorReporter,
          B: BufRead
    let mut parser = Parser::new(reporter, reader);

trait HasNodeChildren {
    fn add(&mut self, maybe_child: Option<Node>);

// ======================================== //
//                  HELPERS                 //
// ======================================== //

fn lookup_name<'a>(name: &'a str,
                   attributes: &Vec<OwnedAttribute>)
                   -> Option<String>
        .find(|ref attribute| attribute.name.local_name == name)
        .map(|ref attribute| attribute.value.clone())

enum ErrorStatus {
    NotReported(&'static str),

enum ErrorType {

type ParseError = (ErrorType, ErrorStatus);