typescript-definitions 0.1.6

serde support for exporting Typescript definitions

specify a Map<K,V> then we have to construct this from
what? as Map::from([k,v,....]). type Map<K,V> = { [k in K]: V}
o = JSON.parse(s)
o.a.b.c = new Map.from(o.a.b.c)
so we need the path... for each from the root
like o.a[5].c.contents.blah etc.
also for Set etc.

Grab random rust code with derive(Serialize) and see if my code works.

Problem with enums rendering as a string.

Maybe make an enum as set of const strings e.g.

type Enum = "a" | "b" | "c"

Maybe change QuoteT

enum QuoteT {
    Builder(Box<Fn() -> TokenStream>)

impl ToTokens for QuoteT {
    fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
        match self {
            Tokens(t) => t.to_tokens(tokens),
            Builder(f) => f().to_tokens(tokens)

If we want to honour `#[serde(flatten)]` then this will only be possible
with `TypeScriptify`. we can laydown a

trait TypeScriptifyTrait {
    fn type_script_ify() -> String;
    fn fields() -> Vec<String>;

Then we can flatten by finding the fields for a type with `#T::<???>::fields()`