typemap-meta 0.2.0

A simple compile-time macro to create type-to-value maps


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A simple compile-time (hence the meta) derive macro to create type-to-value maps (hence the typemap). This approach in contrast to crates such as typemap or type-map that perform run-time lookup. The static typing brings compile-time safety and faster execution at the expense of using a derive macro and generics.

The crate is no_std compatible.


To use this crate, first add this to your Cargo.toml:

typemap-meta = "0.2"

Then, you can create a tuple struct containing disjoint heterogeneous types, and derive Typemap, and then use the get! macro (a syntactic sugar around Typemap::Get):

struct Test(i32, f32);
let t = Test(1, 2.0);
assert_eq!(*get!(t, i32), 1);
assert_eq!(*get!(t, f32), 2.0);

A mutable version is also available:

struct Test(i32, f32);
let mut t = Test(1, 2.0);
*get_mut!(t, i32) = 3;
*get_mut!(t, f32) = 4.0;
assert_eq!(*get!(t, i32), 3);
assert_eq!(*get!(t, f32), 4.0);

Crate structure

As currently procedural macros must be defined in their own crate, we have two crates typemap-meta and typemap-meta-derive, the former re-exporting the macro from the later. Only the former needs to be imported in your project.


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