tx5 0.0.1-alpha.3

The main holochain tx5 webrtc networking crate

//! Tx5 - The main holochain tx5 webrtc networking crate.
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//! # WebRTC Backend Features
//! Tx5 can be backed currently by 1 of 2 backend webrtc libraries.
//! - <b><i>`*`DEFAULT`*`</i></b> `backend-go-pion` - The pion webrtc library
//!   writen in go (golang).
//!   - [https://github.com/pion/webrtc](https://github.com/pion/webrtc)
//! - `backend-webrtc-rs` - The rust webrtc library.
//!   - [https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc](https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc)
//! The go pion library is currently the default as it is more mature
//! and well tested, but comes with some overhead of calling into a different
//! memory/runtime. When the rust library is stable enough for holochain's
//! needs, we will switch the default. To switch now, or if you want to
//! make sure the backend doesn't change out from under you, set
//! no-default-features and explicitly enable the backend of your choice.

    not(any(feature = "backend-go-pion", feature = "backend-webrtc-rs")),
    all(feature = "backend-go-pion", feature = "backend-webrtc-rs"),
compile_error!("Must specify exactly 1 webrtc backend");

/// Re-exported dependencies.
pub mod deps {
    pub use tx5_core;
    pub use tx5_core::deps::*;
    pub use tx5_signal;
    pub use tx5_signal::deps::*;

use deps::{serde, serde_json};

pub use tx5_core::{Error, ErrorExt, Id, Result, Tx5Url};

pub mod actor;

mod buf;
pub use buf::*;

pub mod state;

mod config;
pub use config::*;

mod endpoint;
pub use endpoint::*;