Crate tx5

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Tx5 - The main holochain tx5 webrtc networking crate.

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License: MIT License: Apache-2.0

WebRTC Backend Features

Tx5 can be backed currently by 1 of 2 backend webrtc libraries.

The go pion library is currently the default as it is more mature and well tested, but comes with some overhead of calling into a different memory/runtime. When the rust library is stable enough for holochain’s needs, we will switch the default. To switch now, or if you want to make sure the backend doesn’t change out from under you, set no-default-features and explicitly enable the backend of your choice.


Quick-n-dirty actor system for the tx5 state.
Re-exported dependencies.
Tx5 high-level conn mgmt state.


Tx5 buffer type for sending and receiving data.
Tx5 buffer creation type via std::io::Write.
Builder type for constructing a DefConfig for a Tx5 endpoint.
A tx5 endpoint representing an instance that can send and receive.
Tx5 core error type.
Tx5 32-byte identifier.
Tx5 url.


Conversion type facilitating Into<&mut Buf>.
Event type emitted by a tx5 endpoint.


Tx5 config trait.
Extension trait to extract a name from a Tx5 core error type.
Indicates a type is capable of being converted into a Config type.

Type Definitions

Dynamic config type alias.
A specialized Result type for I/O operations.