twilight-embed-builder 0.11.1

Create validated message embeds for the Twilight ecosystem.
//! Create embeds.

use super::image_source::ImageSource;
use std::{
    fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result as FmtResult},
use twilight_model::{
    channel::embed::{Embed, EmbedAuthor, EmbedField, EmbedFooter, EmbedImage, EmbedThumbnail},

/// Error building an embed.
/// This is returned from [`EmbedBuilder::build`].
pub struct EmbedError {
    kind: EmbedErrorType,

impl EmbedError {
    /// Immutable reference to the type of error that occurred.
    #[must_use = "retrieving the type has no effect if left unused"]
    pub const fn kind(&self) -> &EmbedErrorType {

    /// Consume the error, returning the source error if there is any.
    #[must_use = "consuming the error and retrieving the source has no effect if left unused"]
    pub fn into_source(self) -> Option<Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>> {

    /// Consume the error, returning the owned error type and the source error.
    #[must_use = "consuming the error into its parts has no effect if left unused"]
    pub fn into_parts(self) -> (EmbedErrorType, Option<Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>>) {
        (self.kind, None)

impl Display for EmbedError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {
        match &self.kind {
            EmbedErrorType::AuthorNameEmpty { .. } => f.write_str("the author name is empty"),
            EmbedErrorType::AuthorNameTooLong { .. } => f.write_str("the author name is too long"),
            EmbedErrorType::ColorNotRgb { color } => {
                f.write_str("the color ")?;
                Display::fmt(color, f)?;

                f.write_str(" is invalid")
            EmbedErrorType::ColorZero => {
                f.write_str("the given color value is 0, which is not acceptable")
            EmbedErrorType::DescriptionEmpty { .. } => f.write_str("the description is empty"),
            EmbedErrorType::DescriptionTooLong { .. } => f.write_str("the description is too long"),
            EmbedErrorType::FieldNameEmpty { .. } => f.write_str("the field name is empty"),
            EmbedErrorType::FieldNameTooLong { .. } => f.write_str("the field name is too long"),
            EmbedErrorType::FieldValueEmpty { .. } => f.write_str("the field value is empty"),
            EmbedErrorType::FieldValueTooLong { .. } => f.write_str("the field value is too long"),
            EmbedErrorType::FooterTextEmpty { .. } => f.write_str("the footer text is empty"),
            EmbedErrorType::FooterTextTooLong { .. } => f.write_str("the footer text is too long"),
            EmbedErrorType::TitleEmpty { .. } => f.write_str("the title is empty"),
            EmbedErrorType::TitleTooLong { .. } => f.write_str("the title is too long"),
            EmbedErrorType::TotalContentTooLarge { .. } => {
                f.write_str("the total content of the embed is too large")
            EmbedErrorType::TooManyFields { .. } => {
                f.write_str("more than 25 fields were provided")

impl Error for EmbedError {}

/// Type of [`EmbedError`] that occurred.
pub enum EmbedErrorType {
    /// Name is empty.
    AuthorNameEmpty {
        /// Provided name. Although empty, the same owned allocation is
        /// included.
        name: String,
    /// Name is longer than 256 UTF-16 code points.
    AuthorNameTooLong {
        /// Provided name.
        name: String,
    /// Color was larger than a valid RGB hexadecimal value.
    ColorNotRgb {
        /// Provided color hex value.
        color: u32,
    /// Color was 0. The value would be thrown out by Discord and is equivalent
    /// to null.
    /// Description is empty.
    DescriptionEmpty {
        /// Provided description. Although empty, the same owned allocation is
        /// included.
        description: String,
    /// Description is longer than 4096 UTF-16 code points.
    DescriptionTooLong {
        /// Provided description.
        description: String,
    /// Name is empty.
    FieldNameEmpty {
        /// Provided name. Although empty, the same owned allocation is
        /// included.
        name: String,
        /// Provided value.
        value: String,
    /// Name is longer than 256 UTF-16 code points.
    FieldNameTooLong {
        /// Provided name.
        name: String,
        /// Provided value.
        value: String,
    /// Value is empty.
    FieldValueEmpty {
        /// Provided name.
        name: String,
        /// Provided value. Although empty, the same owned allocation is
        /// included.
        value: String,
    /// Value is longer than 1024 UTF-16 code points.
    FieldValueTooLong {
        /// Provided name.
        name: String,
        /// Provided value.
        value: String,
    /// Footer text is empty.
    FooterTextEmpty {
        /// Provided text. Although empty, the same owned allocation is
        /// included.
        text: String,
    /// Footer text is longer than 2048 UTF-16 code points.
    FooterTextTooLong {
        /// Provided text.
        text: String,
    /// Title is empty.
    TitleEmpty {
        /// Provided title. Although empty, the same owned allocation is
        /// included.
        title: String,
    /// Title is longer than 256 UTF-16 code points.
    TitleTooLong {
        /// Provided title.
        title: String,
    /// The total content of the embed is too large.
    /// Refer to [`EmbedBuilder::EMBED_LENGTH_LIMIT`] for more information about
    /// what goes into this limit.
    TotalContentTooLarge {
        /// The total length of the embed.
        length: usize,
    /// Too many fields were provided.
    /// Refer to [`EmbedBuilder::EMBED_FIELD_LIMIT`] for more information about
    /// what the limit is.
    TooManyFields {
        /// The provided fields.
        fields: Vec<EmbedField>,

/// Create an embed with a builder.
/// # Examples
/// Refer to the [crate-level documentation] for examples.
/// [crate-level documentation]: crate
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[must_use = "must be built into an embed"]
pub struct EmbedBuilder(Embed);

impl EmbedBuilder {
    /// The maximum number of UTF-16 code points that can be in an author name.
    pub const AUTHOR_NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT: usize = 256;

    /// The maximum accepted color value.
    pub const COLOR_MAXIMUM: u32 = 0xff_ff_ff;

    /// The maximum number of UTF-16 code points that can be in a description.
    pub const DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_LIMIT: usize = 4096;

    /// The maximum number of fields that can be in an embed.
    pub const EMBED_FIELD_LIMIT: usize = 25;

    /// The maximum total textual length of the embed in UTF-16 code points.
    /// This combines the text of the author name, description, footer text,
    /// field names and values, and title.
    pub const EMBED_LENGTH_LIMIT: usize = 6000;

    /// The maximum number of UTF-16 code points that can be in a field name.
    pub const FIELD_NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT: usize = 256;

    /// The maximum number of UTF-16 code points that can be in a field value.
    pub const FIELD_VALUE_LENGTH_LIMIT: usize = 1024;

    /// The maximum number of UTF-16 code points that can be in a footer's text.
    pub const FOOTER_TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT: usize = 2048;

    /// The maximum number of UTF-16 code points that can be in a title.
    pub const TITLE_LENGTH_LIMIT: usize = 256;

    /// Create a new default embed builder.
    /// See the [crate-level documentation] for examples and additional
    /// information.
    /// This is equivalent to the [default implementation].
    /// [crate-level documentation]: crate
    /// [default implementation]: Self::default
    pub const fn new() -> Self {
        EmbedBuilder(Embed {
            author: None,
            color: None,
            description: None,
            fields: Vec::new(),
            footer: None,
            image: None,
            kind: String::new(),
            provider: None,
            thumbnail: None,
            timestamp: None,
            title: None,
            url: None,
            video: None,

    /// Build this into an embed.
    /// # Errors
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::AuthorNameEmpty`] error type if the
    /// provided name is empty.
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::AuthorNameTooLong`] error type if the
    /// provided name is longer than [`AUTHOR_NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT`].
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::ColorNotRgb`] error type if the provided
    /// color is not a valid RGB integer. Refer to [`COLOR_MAXIMUM`] to know
    /// what the maximum accepted value is.
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::ColorZero`] error type if the provided
    /// color is 0, which is not an acceptable value.
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::DescriptionEmpty`] error type if a provided
    /// description is empty.
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::DescriptionTooLong`] error type if a
    /// provided description is longer than [`DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_LIMIT`].
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::FieldNameEmpty`] error type if a provided
    /// field name is empty.
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::FieldNameTooLong`] error type if a provided
    /// field name is longer than [`FIELD_NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT`].
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::FieldValueEmpty`] error type if a provided
    /// field value is empty.
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::FieldValueTooLong`] error type if a
    /// provided field value is longer than [`FIELD_VALUE_LENGTH_LIMIT`].
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::FooterTextEmpty`] error type if the
    /// provided text is empty.
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::FooterTextTooLong`] error type if the
    /// provided text is longer than the limit defined at [`FOOTER_TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT`].
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::TitleEmpty`] error type if the provided
    /// title is empty.
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::TitleTooLong`] error type if the provided
    /// text is longer than the limit defined at [`TITLE_LENGTH_LIMIT`].
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::TooManyFields`] error type if there are too
    /// many fields in the embed. Refer to [`EMBED_FIELD_LIMIT`] for the limit
    /// value.
    /// Returns an [`EmbedErrorType::TotalContentTooLarge`] error type if the
    /// textual content of the embed is too large. Refer to
    /// [`EMBED_LENGTH_LIMIT`] for the limit value and what counts towards it.
    #[must_use = "should be used as part of something like a message"]
    pub fn build(mut self) -> Result<Embed, EmbedError> {
        if self.0.fields.len() > Self::EMBED_FIELD_LIMIT {
            return Err(EmbedError {
                kind: EmbedErrorType::TooManyFields {
                    fields: self.0.fields,

        if let Some(color) = self.0.color {
            if color == 0 {
                return Err(EmbedError {
                    kind: EmbedErrorType::ColorZero,

            if color > Self::COLOR_MAXIMUM {
                return Err(EmbedError {
                    kind: EmbedErrorType::ColorNotRgb { color },

        let mut total = 0;

        if let Some(author) = {
            if {
                return Err(EmbedError {
                    kind: EmbedErrorType::AuthorNameEmpty { name: },

            if > Self::AUTHOR_NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT {
                return Err(EmbedError {
                    kind: EmbedErrorType::AuthorNameTooLong { name: },

            total +=;


        if let Some(description) = self.0.description.take() {
            if description.is_empty() {
                return Err(EmbedError {
                    kind: EmbedErrorType::DescriptionEmpty { description },

            if description.chars().count() > Self::DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_LIMIT {
                return Err(EmbedError {
                    kind: EmbedErrorType::DescriptionTooLong { description },

            total += description.chars().count();

        if let Some(footer) = self.0.footer.take() {
            if footer.text.is_empty() {
                return Err(EmbedError {
                    kind: EmbedErrorType::FooterTextEmpty { text: footer.text },

            if footer.text.chars().count() > Self::FOOTER_TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT {
                return Err(EmbedError {
                    kind: EmbedErrorType::FooterTextTooLong { text: footer.text },

            total += footer.text.chars().count();

            let field_count = self.0.fields.len();
            let fields = mem::replace(&mut self.0.fields, Vec::with_capacity(field_count));

            for field in fields {
                if {
                    return Err(EmbedError {
                        kind: EmbedErrorType::FieldNameEmpty {
                            value: field.value,

                if > Self::FIELD_NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT {
                    return Err(EmbedError {
                        kind: EmbedErrorType::FieldNameTooLong {
                            value: field.value,

                if field.value.is_empty() {
                    return Err(EmbedError {
                        kind: EmbedErrorType::FieldValueEmpty {
                            value: field.value,

                if field.value.chars().count() > Self::FIELD_VALUE_LENGTH_LIMIT {
                    return Err(EmbedError {
                        kind: EmbedErrorType::FieldValueTooLong {
                            value: field.value,

                total += + field.value.chars().count();

        if let Some(title) = self.0.title.take() {
            if title.is_empty() {
                return Err(EmbedError {
                    kind: EmbedErrorType::TitleEmpty { title },

            if title.chars().count() > Self::TITLE_LENGTH_LIMIT {
                return Err(EmbedError {
                    kind: EmbedErrorType::TitleTooLong { title },

            total += title.chars().count();

        if total > Self::EMBED_LENGTH_LIMIT {
            return Err(EmbedError {
                kind: EmbedErrorType::TotalContentTooLarge { length: total },

        if self.0.kind.is_empty() {
            self.0.kind = "rich".to_string();


    /// Set the author.
    /// # Examples
    /// Create an embed author:
    /// ```
    /// use twilight_embed_builder::{EmbedAuthorBuilder, EmbedBuilder};
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// let author = EmbedAuthorBuilder::new("Twilight".into())
    ///     .url("")
    ///     .build();
    /// let embed = EmbedBuilder::new().author(author).build()?;
    /// # Ok(()) }
    /// ```
    pub fn author(self, author: impl Into<EmbedAuthor>) -> Self {

    fn _author(mut self, author: EmbedAuthor) -> Self {;


    /// Set the color.
    /// This must be a valid hexadecimal RGB value. `0x000000` is not an
    /// acceptable value as it would be thrown out by Discord. Refer to
    /// [`COLOR_MAXIMUM`] for the maximum acceptable value.
    /// # Examples
    /// Set the color of an embed to `0xfd69b3`:
    /// ```
    /// use twilight_embed_builder::EmbedBuilder;
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// let embed = EmbedBuilder::new()
    ///     .color(0xfd_69_b3)
    ///     .description("a description")
    ///     .build()?;
    /// # Ok(()) }
    /// ```
    pub fn color(mut self, color: u32) -> Self {


    /// Set the description.
    /// Refer to [`DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_LIMIT`] for the maximum number of UTF-16
    /// code points that can be in a description.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use twilight_embed_builder::EmbedBuilder;
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// let embed = EmbedBuilder::new().description("this is an embed").build()?;
    /// # Ok(()) }
    /// ```
    pub fn description(self, description: impl Into<String>) -> Self {

    fn _description(mut self, description: String) -> Self {


    /// Add a field to the embed.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use twilight_embed_builder::{EmbedBuilder, EmbedFieldBuilder};
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// let embed = EmbedBuilder::new()
    ///     .description("this is an embed")
    ///     .field(EmbedFieldBuilder::new("a field", "and its value"))
    ///     .build()?;
    /// # Ok(()) }
    /// ```
    pub fn field(self, field: impl Into<EmbedField>) -> Self {

    fn _field(mut self, field: EmbedField) -> Self {


    /// Set the footer of the embed.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use twilight_embed_builder::{EmbedBuilder, EmbedFooterBuilder};
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// let embed = EmbedBuilder::new()
    ///     .description("this is an embed")
    ///     .footer(EmbedFooterBuilder::new("a footer"))
    ///     .build()?;
    /// # Ok(()) }
    /// ```
    pub fn footer(self, footer: impl Into<EmbedFooter>) -> Self {

    fn _footer(mut self, footer: EmbedFooter) -> Self {


    /// Set the image.
    /// # Examples
    /// Set the image source to a URL:
    /// ```
    /// use twilight_embed_builder::{EmbedBuilder, EmbedFooterBuilder, ImageSource};
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// let source = ImageSource::url("")?;
    /// let embed = EmbedBuilder::new()
    ///     .footer(EmbedFooterBuilder::new("twilight"))
    ///     .image(source)
    ///     .build()?;
    /// # Ok(()) }
    /// ```
    pub fn image(mut self, image_source: ImageSource) -> Self {
        self.0.image.replace(EmbedImage {
            height: None,
            proxy_url: None,
            url: image_source.0,
            width: None,


    /// Add a thumbnail.
    /// # Examples
    /// Set the thumbnail to an image attachment with the filename
    /// `"twilight.png"`:
    /// ```
    /// use twilight_embed_builder::{EmbedBuilder, ImageSource};
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// let embed = EmbedBuilder::new()
    ///     .description("a picture of twilight")
    ///     .thumbnail(ImageSource::attachment("twilight.png")?)
    ///     .build()?;
    /// # Ok(()) }
    /// ```
    pub fn thumbnail(mut self, image_source: ImageSource) -> Self {
        self.0.thumbnail.replace(EmbedThumbnail {
            height: None,
            proxy_url: None,
            url: image_source.0,
            width: None,


    /// Set the ISO 8601 timestamp.
    pub const fn timestamp(mut self, timestamp: Timestamp) -> Self {
        self.0.timestamp = Some(timestamp);


    /// Set the title.
    /// Refer to [`TITLE_LENGTH_LIMIT`] for the maximum number of UTF-16 code
    /// points that can be in a title.
    /// # Examples
    /// Set the title to "twilight":
    /// ```
    /// use twilight_embed_builder::EmbedBuilder;
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// let embed = EmbedBuilder::new()
    ///     .title("twilight")
    ///     .url("")
    ///     .build()?;
    /// # Ok(()) }
    /// ```
    pub fn title(self, title: impl Into<String>) -> Self {

    fn _title(mut self, title: String) -> Self {


    /// Set the URL.
    /// # Examples
    /// Set the URL to [twilight's repository]:
    /// ```
    /// use twilight_embed_builder::{EmbedBuilder, EmbedFooterBuilder};
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// let embed = EmbedBuilder::new()
    ///     .description("twilight's repository")
    ///     .url("")
    ///     .build()?;
    /// # Ok(()) }
    /// ```
    /// [twilight's repository]:
    pub fn url(self, url: impl Into<String>) -> Self {

    fn _url(mut self, url: String) -> Self {


impl Default for EmbedBuilder {
    /// Create an embed builder with a default embed.
    /// All embeds have a "rich" type.
    fn default() -> Self {

impl TryFrom<EmbedBuilder> for Embed {
    type Error = EmbedError;

    /// Convert an embed builder into an embed.
    /// This is equivalent to calling [`EmbedBuilder::build`].
    fn try_from(builder: EmbedBuilder) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {

mod tests {
    use super::{EmbedBuilder, EmbedError, EmbedErrorType};
    use crate::{field::EmbedFieldBuilder, footer::EmbedFooterBuilder, image_source::ImageSource};
    use static_assertions::{assert_fields, assert_impl_all, const_assert};
    use std::{error::Error, fmt::Debug};
    use twilight_model::{
        channel::embed::{Embed, EmbedField, EmbedFooter},

    assert_impl_all!(EmbedErrorType: Debug, Send, Sync);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::AuthorNameEmpty: name);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::AuthorNameTooLong: name);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::TooManyFields: fields);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::ColorNotRgb: color);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::DescriptionEmpty: description);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::DescriptionTooLong: description);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::FooterTextEmpty: text);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::FooterTextTooLong: text);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::TitleEmpty: title);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::TitleTooLong: title);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::TotalContentTooLarge: length);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::FieldNameEmpty: name, value);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::FieldNameTooLong: name, value);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::FieldValueEmpty: name, value);
    assert_fields!(EmbedErrorType::FieldValueTooLong: name, value);
    assert_impl_all!(EmbedError: Error, Send, Sync);
    const_assert!(EmbedBuilder::AUTHOR_NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT == 256);
    const_assert!(EmbedBuilder::COLOR_MAXIMUM == 0xff_ff_ff);
    const_assert!(EmbedBuilder::DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_LIMIT == 4096);
    const_assert!(EmbedBuilder::EMBED_FIELD_LIMIT == 25);
    const_assert!(EmbedBuilder::EMBED_LENGTH_LIMIT == 6000);
    const_assert!(EmbedBuilder::FIELD_NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT == 256);
    const_assert!(EmbedBuilder::FIELD_VALUE_LENGTH_LIMIT == 1024);
    const_assert!(EmbedBuilder::FOOTER_TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT == 2048);
    const_assert!(EmbedBuilder::TITLE_LENGTH_LIMIT == 256);
    assert_impl_all!(EmbedBuilder: Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Send, Sync);
    assert_impl_all!(Embed: TryFrom<EmbedBuilder>);

    fn color_error() {
            EmbedErrorType::ColorNotRgb { color }
            if *color == u32::MAX

    fn description_error() {
            EmbedErrorType::DescriptionEmpty { description }
            if description.is_empty()
        let description_too_long = EmbedBuilder::DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_LIMIT + 1;
            EmbedErrorType::DescriptionTooLong { description }
            if description.len() == description_too_long

    fn title_error() {
            EmbedErrorType::TitleEmpty { title }
            if title.is_empty()
        let title_too_long = EmbedBuilder::TITLE_LENGTH_LIMIT + 1;
            EmbedErrorType::TitleTooLong { title }
            if title.len() == title_too_long

    fn builder() {
        let footer_image = ImageSource::url(
        let timestamp = Timestamp::from_secs(1_580_608_922).expect("non zero");

        let embed = EmbedBuilder::new()
            .field(EmbedFieldBuilder::new("name", "title").inline())

        let expected = Embed {
            author: None,
            color: Some(0x00_43_ff),
            description: Some("Description".to_string()),
            fields: [EmbedField {
                inline: true,
                name: "name".to_string(),
                value: "title".to_string(),
            footer: Some(EmbedFooter {
                icon_url: Some(
                proxy_icon_url: None,
                text: "Warn".to_string(),
            image: None,
            kind: "rich".to_string(),
            provider: None,
            thumbnail: None,
            timestamp: Some(timestamp),
            title: None,
            url: None,
            video: None,

        assert_eq!(embed, expected);