twilight-cache-inmemory 0.1.6

In-process-memory based cache for the Twilight ecosystem.
use bitflags::bitflags;

bitflags! {
    /// Bitflags to filter what event types to process in the cache.
    pub struct EventType: u64 {
        const BAN_ADD = 1;
        const BAN_REMOVE = 1 << 1;
        const CHANNEL_CREATE = 1 << 2;
        const CHANNEL_DELETE = 1 << 3;
        const CHANNEL_PINS_UPDATE = 1 << 4;
        const CHANNEL_UPDATE = 1 << 5;
        const GUILD_CREATE = 1 << 6;
        const GUILD_DELETE = 1 << 7;
        const GUILD_EMOJIS_UPDATE = 1 << 8;
        const GUILD_INTEGRATIONS_UPDATE = 1 << 9;
        const GUILD_UPDATE = 1 << 10;
        const MEMBER_ADD = 1 << 11;
        const MEMBER_CHUNK = 1 << 12;
        const MEMBER_REMOVE = 1 << 13;
        const MEMBER_UPDATE = 1 << 14;
        const MESSAGE_CREATE = 1 << 15;
        const MESSAGE_DELETE = 1 << 16;
        const MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK = 1 << 17;
        const MESSAGE_UPDATE = 1 << 18;
        const PRESENCE_UPDATE = 1 << 19;
        const REACTION_ADD = 1 << 20;
        const REACTION_REMOVE = 1 << 21;
        const REACTION_REMOVE_ALL = 1 << 22;
        const REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI = 1 << 33;
        const READY = 1 << 23;
        const ROLE_CREATE = 1 << 24;
        const ROLE_DELETE = 1 << 25;
        const ROLE_UPDATE = 1 << 26;
        const TYPING_START = 1 << 27;
        const UNAVAILABLE_GUILD = 1 << 28;
        const USER_UPDATE = 1 << 29;
        const VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE = 1 << 30;
        const VOICE_STATE_UPDATE = 1 << 31;
        const WEBHOOKS_UPDATE = 1 << 32;

/// Configuration for an [`InMemoryCache`].
/// [`InMemoryCache`]: struct.InMemoryCache.html
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Config {
    pub(super) event_types: EventType,
    pub(super) message_cache_size: usize,

impl Config {
    /// Returns an immutable reference to the event types enabled.
    pub fn event_types(&self) -> EventType {

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the event types enabled.
    pub fn event_types_mut(&mut self) -> &mut EventType {
        &mut self.event_types

    /// Returns an immutable reference to the message cache size.
    pub fn message_cache_size(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the message cache size.
    pub fn message_cache_size_mut(&mut self) -> &mut usize {
        &mut self.message_cache_size

impl Default for Config {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            event_types: EventType::all(),
            message_cache_size: 100,

mod tests {
    use super::{Config, EventType};

    fn test_event_type_const_values() {
        assert_eq!(1, EventType::BAN_ADD.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 1, EventType::BAN_REMOVE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 2, EventType::CHANNEL_CREATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 3, EventType::CHANNEL_DELETE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 4, EventType::CHANNEL_PINS_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 5, EventType::CHANNEL_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 6, EventType::GUILD_CREATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 7, EventType::GUILD_DELETE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 8, EventType::GUILD_EMOJIS_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 9, EventType::GUILD_INTEGRATIONS_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 10, EventType::GUILD_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 11, EventType::MEMBER_ADD.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 12, EventType::MEMBER_CHUNK.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 13, EventType::MEMBER_REMOVE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 14, EventType::MEMBER_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 15, EventType::MESSAGE_CREATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 16, EventType::MESSAGE_DELETE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 17, EventType::MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 18, EventType::MESSAGE_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 19, EventType::PRESENCE_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 20, EventType::REACTION_ADD.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 21, EventType::REACTION_REMOVE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 22, EventType::REACTION_REMOVE_ALL.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 23, EventType::READY.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 24, EventType::ROLE_CREATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 25, EventType::ROLE_DELETE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 26, EventType::ROLE_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 27, EventType::TYPING_START.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 28, EventType::UNAVAILABLE_GUILD.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 29, EventType::USER_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 30, EventType::VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 31, EventType::VOICE_STATE_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 32, EventType::WEBHOOKS_UPDATE.bits());
        assert_eq!(1 << 33, EventType::REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI.bits());

    fn test_defaults() {
        let conf = Config {
            event_types: EventType::all(),
            message_cache_size: 100,
        let default = Config::default();
        assert_eq!(conf.event_types, default.event_types);
        assert_eq!(conf.message_cache_size, default.message_cache_size);

    fn test_config_fields() {
        static_assertions::assert_fields!(Config: event_types, message_cache_size);