turing-lib 2.1.6

Turing library for Rust

Turing Machine Backend Library

A powerful and efficient Turing Machine backend library written in Rust! This library contains the essential components, compiler, and abstractions needed to create, run, and manage Turing Machines.


Check out the online demo (here is the code)


  • Efficient Turing Machine implementation
  • Compiler for custom Turing Machine code
  • Abstractions to create and modify Turing Machines programmatically
  • Support for both deterministic and non-deterministic Turing Machines
  • Cross-platform compatibility


Add the following to your Cargo.toml file under [dependencies]:

turing_lib = "^2.1"


turing_lib = { git = "https://github.com/turing-marcos/turing-lib/" }

for the git version.

Then, run cargo build to download and compile the library.


To use the Turing Machine Backend Library in your Rust project, simply import it:

use turing_lib::TuringMachine;

fn main() {
    let unparsed_file = fs::read_to_string(&"./some_file").expect("cannot read file");

    let (tm, warnings) = match TuringMachine::new(&unparsed_file) {
        Ok(t) => t,
        Err(e: CompilerError) => {
            handle_error(e, file);

Refer to the API documentation for detailed information on the available methods and structures.


You can find examples on how to use this library in the examples folder of this repository.


We welcome contributions! Feel free to submit pull requests, issues, or suggestions. Please follow the contributing guidelines