[][src]Crate tuple_combinator

A helper trait to improve the ergonomics when working with multiple Options. After importing TupleCombinator, you can treat a tuple of Options as one Option.


use tuple_combinator::TupleCombinator;

fn main() {
    let tuples = (Some(1), Some(2), Some(3));

    assert_eq!(tuples.map(|(a,b,c)| a + b + c), Some(6));
    assert_eq!(tuples.and_then(|(a,b,c)| Some(a + b - c)), Some(0));
    assert_eq!(tuples.transpose(), Some((1,2,3)));
    assert_eq!((Some(1), None).map(|(a, b): (i32, i32)| 100), None);



The traits that provides helper functions for tuples. This trait implementation mirros most of the methods defined in Option.