tsukuyomi 0.5.3

Asynchronous Web framework for Rust
//! Components for constructing HTTP applications.

pub mod config;
mod recognizer;
mod scope;
mod service;

mod tests;

pub(crate) use self::recognizer::Captures;
pub use self::{
    config::{Error, Result},

use {
        recognizer::{RecognizeError, Recognizer},
        scope::{Scope, ScopeId, Scopes},
    crate::{input::body::RequestBody, uri::Uri, util::Never},
    std::{fmt, sync::Arc},
    tsukuyomi_service::{MakeService, Service},

/// The main type representing an HTTP application.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct AppBase<C: Concurrency = self::config::ThreadSafe> {
    inner: Arc<AppInner<C>>,

impl<C> AppBase<C>
    C: Concurrency,
    /// Converts itself into a `MakeService` with the specified `ModifyService`.
    pub fn with_modify_service<M>(
        modify_service: M,
    ) -> self::with_modify_service::WithModifyService<C, M> {
        self::with_modify_service::WithModifyService {
            inner: self.inner,

impl<C, Ctx, Bd> MakeService<Ctx, Request<Bd>> for AppBase<C>
    C: Concurrency,
    RequestBody: From<Bd>,
    type Response = <AppService<C> as Service<Request<Bd>>>::Response;
    type Error = <AppService<C> as Service<Request<Bd>>>::Error;
    type Service = AppService<C>;
    type MakeError = Never;
    type Future = futures01::future::FutureResult<Self::Service, Self::MakeError>;

    fn make_service(&self, _: Ctx) -> Self::Future {
        futures01::future::ok(AppService {
            inner: self.inner.clone(),

mod with_modify_service {
    use {super::*, tsukuyomi_service::ModifyService};

    pub struct WithModifyService<C: Concurrency, M> {
        pub(super) inner: Arc<AppInner<C>>,
        pub(super) modify_service: M,

    impl<C, M, Ctx, Bd> MakeService<Ctx, Request<Bd>> for WithModifyService<C, M>
        C: Concurrency,
        RequestBody: From<Bd>,
        M: ModifyService<Ctx, Request<Bd>, AppService<C>>,
        type Response = M::Response;
        type Error = M::Error;
        type Service = M::Service;
        type MakeError = M::ModifyError;
        type Future = M::Future;

        fn make_service(&self, ctx: Ctx) -> Self::Future {
            let service = AppService {
                inner: self.inner.clone(),
            self.modify_service.modify_service(service, ctx)

pub type App = AppBase<self::config::ThreadSafe>;
pub type LocalApp = AppBase<self::config::CurrentThread>;

struct AppInner<C: Concurrency> {
    recognizer: Recognizer<Arc<Endpoint<C>>>,
    scopes: Scopes<ScopeData<C>>,

impl<C: Concurrency> AppInner<C> {
    fn scope(&self, id: ScopeId) -> &Scope<ScopeData<C>> {

    /// Infers the scope where the input path belongs from the extracted candidates.
    fn infer_scope<'a>(
        path: &str,
        endpoints: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a Endpoint<C>>,
    ) -> &Scope<ScopeData<C>> {
        // First, extract a series of common ancestors of candidates.
        let ancestors = {
            let mut ancestors: Option<&[ScopeId]> = None;
            for endpoint in endpoints {
                let ancestors = ancestors.get_or_insert(&endpoint.ancestors);
                let n = (*ancestors)
                    .position(|(a, b)| a != b)
                    .unwrap_or_else(|| std::cmp::min(ancestors.len(), endpoint.ancestors.len()));
                *ancestors = &ancestors[..n];

        // Then, find the oldest ancestor that with the input path as the prefix of URI.
        let node_id = ancestors
            .and_then(|ancestors| {
                    .find(|&&scope| self.scope(scope).data.prefix.as_str().starts_with(path)) //
                    .or_else(|| ancestors.last())


    fn find_default_handler(&self, start: ScopeId) -> Option<&C::Handler> {
        let scope = self.scope(start);
        if let Some(ref f) = scope.data.default_handler {
            return Some(f);
            .filter_map(|&id| self.scope(id).data.default_handler.as_ref())

    fn find_endpoint(
        path: &str,
        captures: &mut Option<Captures>,
    ) -> std::result::Result<&Arc<Endpoint<C>>, &Scope<ScopeData<C>>> {
        match self.recognizer.recognize(path, captures) {
            Ok(endpoint) => Ok(endpoint),
            Err(RecognizeError::NotMatched) => Err(self.scope(ScopeId::root())),
            Err(RecognizeError::PartiallyMatched(candidates)) => Err(self.infer_scope(
                    .filter_map(|i| self.recognizer.get(i).map(|e| &**e)),

struct ScopeData<C: Concurrency> {
    prefix: Uri,
    default_handler: Option<C::Handler>,

impl<C: Concurrency> fmt::Debug for ScopeData<C> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("prefix", &self.prefix)
                &self.default_handler.as_ref().map(|_| "<default handler>"),

/// A type representing a set of endpoints with the same HTTP path.
struct Endpoint<C: Concurrency> {
    scope: ScopeId,
    ancestors: Vec<ScopeId>,
    uri: Uri,
    handler: C::Handler,

impl<C: Concurrency> fmt::Debug for Endpoint<C> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("scope", &self.scope)
            .field("ancestors", &self.ancestors)
            .field("uri", &self.uri)