Crate tsukuyomi

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Tsukuyomi is an asynchronous Web framework for Rust.


Components for constructing HTTP applications.
A collection of components for configuring App.
Definition of Endpoint.
Error representation during handling the request.
Definition of Extractor and its implementors.
The basic components for serving static files.
Compatible layer of asynchronous tasks used within the framework.
Definition of Handler.
Components for accessing the incoming request data.
A set of built-in ModifyHandlers.
Components for constructing HTTP responses.
Definition of Responder.
Miscellaneous components used within the framework.
Re-export of crates used within the framework and frequently used on the user side.


A macro for creating a chain of expressions.
A macro to create a LocalKey<T>.
A macro for generating the code that creates a Path from the provided tokens.


A custom trait object which holds all kinds of errors occurring in handlers.
A proxy object for accessing the incoming HTTP request data.


A trait representing the process to be performed when a route matches.
A trait abstracting the extraction of values from the incoming request.
A trait representing the handler associated with the specified endpoint.
A trait representing error values to be converted into an HTTP response.
A trait representing the conversion into an HTTP response.
A trait representing a type for modifying the instance of Handler.
A trait that abstracts replies to clients.

Type Definitions

A type alias of Result<T, E> with error::Error as error type.

Derive Macros

A procedural macro for deriving the implementation of IntoResponse.