ts3 0.3.0

A TeamSpeak3 Query library
// Required for ts3_derive macro.
use crate as ts3;

use crate::event::{EventHandler, Handler};
use crate::{Decode, Error};
use bytes::Bytes;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::From;
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::result;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncWriteExt, BufReader};
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio::net::ToSocketAddrs;
use tokio::sync::{mpsc, oneshot};
use tokio::task::spawn;
use tokio::time::sleep;

pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;

impl Error {
    fn ok(&self) -> bool {
        use Error::*;
        match self {
            TS3 { id, msg: _ } => *id == 0,
            _ => false,

// Read a error from a raw server response
impl From<RawResp> for Error {
    fn from(mut resp: RawResp) -> Error {
        Error::TS3 {
            id: resp.items[0]
            msg: resp.items[0].remove("msg").unwrap().unwrap(),

struct Cmd {
    bytes: Bytes,
    resp: oneshot::Sender<Result<Vec<u8>>>,

pub(crate) struct ClientInner {
    pub(crate) handler: Arc<dyn EventHandler>,

impl ClientInner {
    fn new() -> ClientInner {
        ClientInner {
            handler: Arc::new(Handler),

/// A Client used to send commands to the serverquery interface.
pub struct Client {
    tx: mpsc::Sender<Cmd>,
    pub(crate) inner: Arc<RwLock<ClientInner>>,

impl Client {
    /// Create a new connection
    pub async fn new<A: ToSocketAddrs>(addr: A) -> Result<Client> {
        let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel::<Cmd>(32);

        let stream = TcpStream::connect(addr).await?;

        let (reader, mut writer) = stream.into_split();
        let mut reader = BufReader::new(reader);

        // Read initial welcome message
            let mut buf = Vec::new();
            let _ = reader.read_until(b'\r', &mut buf).await;
            let _ = reader.read_until(b'\r', &mut buf).await;

        // read_tx and read_rx are used to communicate between the read and the write
        // thread
        let (read_tx, mut read_rx) = mpsc::channel(32);

        // Create a new inner client
        let client = Client {
            tx: tx,
            // handler: Arc::new(RwLock::new()),
            inner: Arc::new(RwLock::new(ClientInner::new())),

        // Read task
        let client2 = client.clone();
        spawn(async move {
            loop {
                let client = client2.clone();

                // Read from the buffer until a '\r' indicating the end of a line
                let mut buf = Vec::new();
                if let Err(err) = reader.read_until(b'\r', &mut buf).await {
                    println!("{}", err);

                // Remove the last two bytes '\n' and '\r'
                buf.truncate(buf.len() - 2);

                // If the received data is an event dispatch it to the correct handler and wait for
                // the next line.
                if client.dispatch_event(&buf) {

                // Query commands return 2 lines, the first being the response data while the sencond
                // contains the error code. Other commands only return an error.
                match buf.starts_with(b"error") {
                    true => {
                        let _ = read_tx
                            .send((Vec::new(), Error::decode(&buf).unwrap()))
                    false => {
                        // Clone the current buffer, which contains the response data
                        let resp = buf.clone();

                        // Read next line for the error
                        if let Err(err) = reader.read_until(b'\r', &mut buf).await {
                            eprintln!("{}", err);

                        let _ = read_tx.send((resp, Error::decode(&buf).unwrap())).await;

        // Write Task
        spawn(async move {
            while let Some(cmd) = rx.recv().await {
                // Write the command string
                if let Err(err) = writer.write(&cmd.bytes).await {
                    let _ = cmd.resp.send(Err(err.into()));

                // Write a '\n' to send the command
                if let Err(err) = writer.write(&[b'\n']).await {
                    let _ = cmd.resp.send(Err(err.into()));

                // Wait for the response from the reader task
                let (resp, err) = read_rx.recv().await.unwrap();

                // Write the response to the channel sent with the request. resp is None when
                // an error occured.
                let _ = cmd.resp.send(match err.ok() {
                    true => Ok(resp),
                    false => Err(err),

        // Keepalive loop
        let tx2 = client.tx.clone();
        spawn(async move {
            loop {
                let tx = tx2.clone();
                    let (resp_tx, _) = oneshot::channel();
                    if let Err(_) = tx
                        .send(Cmd {
                            bytes: Bytes::from_static("version".as_bytes()),
                            resp: resp_tx,


    pub fn set_event_handler<H: EventHandler + 'static>(&self, handler: H) {
        let mut data = self.inner.write().unwrap();
        data.handler = Arc::new(handler);

    /// Send a raw command directly to the server. The response will be directly decoded
    /// into the type `T`. To get a HashMap like response, use the `RawResp` struct.
    pub async fn send<T: Decode<T>>(&self, cmd: String) -> Result<T> {
        let tx = self.tx.clone();

        // Create a new channel for receiving the response
        let (resp_tx, resp_rx) = oneshot::channel();

        match tx
            .send(Cmd {
                bytes: Bytes::from(cmd.into_bytes()),
                resp: resp_tx,
            Ok(_) => {
                let resp = resp_rx.await;
            Err(_) => Err(Error::SendError),

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum APIKeyScope {

impl Default for APIKeyScope {
    fn default() -> APIKeyScope {

impl Display for APIKeyScope {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        use APIKeyScope::*;
        write!(f, "{}", match self {
            Manage => "manage",
            Write => "writer",
            Read => "read",

impl Decode<APIKeyScope> for APIKeyScope {
    type Err = Error;

    fn decode(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<APIKeyScope> {
        Ok(match from_utf8(buf).unwrap() {
            "manage" => Self::Manage,
            "write" => Self::Write,
            "read" => Self::Read,
            s => panic!("Unexpected enum variant for APIKeyScope: {}", s)

pub enum ServerNotifyRegister {

impl Display for ServerNotifyRegister {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        use ServerNotifyRegister::*;
            match self {
                Server => "server".to_owned(),
                Channel(cid) => format!("channel id={}", cid),
                TextServer => "textserver".to_owned(),
                TextChannel => "textchannel".to_owned(),
                TextPrivate => "textprivate".to_owned(),

pub enum TextMessageTarget {

impl Display for TextMessageTarget {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        use TextMessageTarget::*;
            match self {
                Client(clid) => format!("1 target={}", clid),
                Channel => "2".to_owned(),
                Server => "3".to_owned(),

// TS3 Commands go here
impl Client {
    /// Creates a new apikey using the specified scope, for the invoking user. The default
    /// lifetime of a token is 14 days, a zero lifetime means no expiration. It is possible
    ///  to create apikeys for other users using `b_virtualserver_apikey_manage.`
    pub async fn apikeyadd(&self, scope: APIKeyScope, lifetime: Option<u64>, cldbid: Option<u64>) -> Result<APIKey> {
        self.send(format!("apikeyadd scope={} {} {}", scope, match lifetime {
            None => "".to_owned(),
            Some(lifetime) => format!("lifetime={}", lifetime)
        }, match cldbid {
            None => "".to_owned(),
            Some(cldbid) => format!("cldbid={}", cldbid)

    /// Delete an apikey. Any apikey owned by the current user can always be deleted. Deleting
    /// apikeys from another user requires `b_virtualserver_apikey_manage`.
    pub async fn apikeydel(&self, id: u64) -> Result<()> {
        self.send(format!("apikeydel id={}", id)).await

    /// Lists all apikeys owned by the user, or of all users using `cldbid`=`(0, true).` Usage
    /// of `cldbid`=... requires `b_virtualserver_apikey_manage`.
    pub async fn apikeylist(&self, cldbid: Option<(u64, bool)>, start: Option<u64>, duration: Option<u64>, count: bool) -> Result<Vec<APIKey>> {
        self.send(format!("apikeylist {} {} {} {}", match cldbid {
            None => "".to_owned(),
            Some((cldbid, all)) => format!("cldbid={}", match all {
                true => "*".to_owned(),
                false => cldbid.to_string(),
        }, match start {
            None => "".to_owned(),
            Some(start) => format!("start={}", start),
        }, match duration {
            None => "".to_owned(),
            Some(duration) => format!("duration={}", duration),
        }, match count {
            true => "-count",
            false => "",

    /// Sends a text message to all clients on all virtual servers in the TeamSpeak 3
    /// Server instance.
    pub async fn gm(&self, msg: &str) -> Result<()> {
        self.send(format!("gm={}", msg)).await

    /// Authenticate with the given data.
    pub async fn login(&self, username: &str, password: &str) -> Result<()> {
            "login client_login_name={} client_login_password={}",
            username, password

    /// Deselects the active virtual server and logs out from the server instance.
    pub async fn logout(&self) -> Result<()> {

    /// Send a quit command, disconnecting the client and closing the TCP connection
    pub async fn quit(&self) -> Result<()> {

    pub async fn sendtextmessage(&self, target: TextMessageTarget, msg: &str) -> Result<()> {
        self.send(format!("sendtextmessage targetmode={} msg={}", target, msg))

    /// Adds one or more clients to the server group specified with sgid. Please note that a
    /// client cannot be added to default groups or template groups.
    pub async fn servergroupaddclient(&self, sgid: usize, cldbid: usize) -> Result<()> {
            "servergroupaddclient sgid={} cldbid={}",
            sgid, cldbid

    /// Removes one or more clients specified with cldbid from the server group specified with
    /// sgid.  
    pub async fn servergroupdelclient(&self, sgid: usize, cldbid: usize) -> Result<()> {
            "servergroupdelclient sgid={} cldbid={}",
            sgid, cldbid

    /// Registers for a specified category of events on a virtual server to receive
    /// notification messages. Depending on the notifications you've registered for,
    /// the server will send you a message on every event in the view of your
    /// ServerQuery client (e.g. clients joining your channel, incoming text
    /// messages, server configuration changes, etc). The event source is declared by
    /// the event parameter while id can be used to limit the notifications to a
    /// specific channel.  
    pub async fn servernotifyregister(&self, event: ServerNotifyRegister) -> Result<()> {
        self.send(format!("servernotifyregister event={}", event))

    /// Starts the virtual server specified with sid. Depending on your permissions,
    /// you're able to start either your own virtual server only or all virtual
    /// servers in the server instance.  
    pub async fn serverstart(&self, sid: u64) -> Result<()> {
        self.send(format!("serverstart sid={}", sid)).await

    /// Stops the virtual server specified with sid. Depending on your permissions,
    /// you're able to stop either your own virtual server only or all virtual
    /// servers in the server instance. The reasonmsg parameter specifies a
    /// text message that is sent to the clients before the client disconnects.
    pub async fn serverstop(&self, sid: u64) -> Result<()> {
        self.send(format!("serverstop sid={}", sid)).await

    /// Switch to the virtualserver (voice) with the given server id
    pub async fn use_sid(&self, sid: usize) -> Result<()> {
        self.send(format!("use sid={}", sid)).await?;

    /// Like `use_sid` but instead use_port uses the voice port to connect to the virtualserver
    pub async fn use_port(&self, port: u16) -> Result<()> {
        self.send(format!("use port={}", port)).await?;

    /// Returns information about the server version
    pub async fn version(&self) -> Result<Version> {

    /// Returns information about the query client connected
    pub async fn whoami(&self) -> Result<RawResp> {

/// An API Key returned from [`apikeyadd`].
#[derive(Debug, Decode, Default)]
pub struct APIKey {
    pub apikey: String,
    pub id: u64,
    pub sid: u64,
    pub cldbid: u64,
    pub scope: APIKeyScope,
    pub time_left: u64,

/// Data returned from the `version` command.
#[derive(Debug, Decode, Default)]
pub struct Version {
    pub version: String,
    pub build: u64,
    pub platform: String,

/// RawResp contains all data returned from the server
/// When the items vector contains multiple entries, the server returned a list.
/// Otherwise only a single item will be in the vector
/// The HashMap contains all key-value pairs, but values are optional
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RawResp {
    pub items: Vec<HashMap<String, Option<String>>>,

impl From<&[u8]> for RawResp {
    fn from(buf: &[u8]) -> RawResp {
        let mut items = Vec::new();

        // Split all items lists into separate strings first
        // If the content is no list a single item is remained
        let res: Vec<&str> = from_utf8(&buf).unwrap().split("|").collect();
        for entry in res {
            let mut map = HashMap::new();

            // All key-value pairs are separated by ' '
            let res: Vec<&str> = entry.split(" ").collect();
            for item in res {
                // Each pair that contains a '=' has both a key and a value
                // A pair that has no '=' is only a key
                // Only split the first '=' as splitting multiple could split strings inside the value
                let parts: Vec<&str> = item.splitn(2, "=").collect();

                // Insert key and value when both exist
                // Otherwise None is inserted with the key
                    match parts.len() {
                        n if n > 1 => Some(parts.get(1).unwrap().to_string()),
                        _ => None,


        RawResp { items }

impl Decode<RawResp> for RawResp {
    type Err = ();

    fn decode(buf: &[u8]) -> result::Result<Self, Self::Err> {