Crate ts_rs

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Generate typescript type declarations from rust types


When building a web application in rust, data structures have to be shared between backend and frontend. Using this library, you can easily generate TypeScript bindings to your rust structs & enums so that you can keep your types in one place.

ts-rs might also come in handy when working with webassembly.


ts-rs exposes a single trait, TS. Using a derive macro, you can implement this interface for your types. Then, you can use this trait to obtain the TypeScript bindings. We recommend doing this in your tests. See the example and the docs.

§Get started

ts-rs = "10.0"
use ts_rs::TS;

struct User {
    user_id: i32,
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,

When running cargo test, the TypeScript bindings will be exported to the file bindings/User.ts.


  • generate type declarations from rust structs
  • generate union declarations from rust enums
  • inline types
  • flatten structs/types
  • generate necessary imports when exporting to multiple files
  • serde compatibility
  • generic types
  • support for ESM imports

§cargo features

serde-compatEnabled by default
See the “serde compatibility” section below for more information.
formatEnables formatting of the generated TypeScript bindings.
Currently, this unfortunately adds quite a few dependencies.
no-serde-warningsBy default, warnings are printed during build if unsupported serde attributes are encountered.
Enabling this feature silences these warnings.
import-esmWhen enabled,import statements in the generated file will have the .js extension in the end of the path to conform to the ES Modules spec.
Example: import { MyStruct } from "./my_struct.js"
serde-json-implImplement TS for types from serde_json
chrono-implImplement TS for types from chrono
bigdecimal-implImplement TS for types from bigdecimal
url-implImplement TS for types from url
uuid-implImplement TS for types from uuid
bson-uuid-implImplement TS for bson::oid::ObjectId and bson::uuid
bytes-implImplement TS for types from bytes
indexmap-implImplement TS for types from indexmap
ordered-float-implImplement TS for types from ordered_float
heapless-implImplement TS for types from heapless
semver-implImplement TS for types from semver
smol_str-implImplement TS for types from smol_str

If there’s a type you’re dealing with which doesn’t implement TS, use either #[ts(as = "..")] or #[ts(type = "..")], or open a PR.

§serde compatability

With the serde-compat feature (enabled by default), serde attributes can be parsed for enums and structs. Supported serde attributes:

  • rename
  • rename-all
  • rename-all-fields
  • tag
  • content
  • untagged
  • skip
  • flatten
  • default

Note: skip_serializing and skip_deserializing are ignored. If you wish to exclude a field from the generated type, but cannot use #[serde(skip)], use #[ts(skip)] instead.

When ts-rs encounters an unsupported serde attribute, a warning is emitted, unless the feature no-serde-warnings is enabled.


Contributions are always welcome! Feel free to open an issue, discuss using GitHub discussions or open a PR. See


The Minimum Supported Rust Version for this crate is 1.63.0


  • A typescript type which is depended upon by other types. This information is required for generating the correct import statements.


  • An error which may occur when exporting a type


  • A type which can be represented in TypeScript.
    Most of the time, you’d want to derive this trait instead of implementing it manually.
    ts-rs comes with implementations for all primitives, most collections, tuples, arrays and containers.
  • A visitor used to iterate over all dependencies or generics of a type. When an instance of TypeVisitor is passed to TS::visit_dependencies or TS::visit_generics, the TypeVisitor::visit method will be invoked for every dependency or generic parameter respectively.

Derive Macros§

  • Derives TS for a struct or enum. Please take a look at TS for documentation.