try_or 0.2.0

Contains helper macros for unwrapping Results and Options.

try_or Build Status

Contains the macros try_or!, try_or_else!, try_opt_or! and try_opt_or_else!. These are helper macros for unwrapping a Result or an Option while returning early for Err and None values. The semantics are similar to unwrap_or and unwrap_or_else.

If you want a try_opt! macro, there's already another crate (try_opt) for that.



Add to your Cargo.toml:

try_or = "0.1"

Use the macros like this:

extern crate try_or;

fn main() {
	// test try_or!
	assert_eq!({ || try_or!("5".parse::<u32>(), 1) } (), 5);
	assert_eq!({ || try_or!("a".parse::<u32>(), 1) } (), 1);
	// test try_or_else!
	assert_eq!({ || try_or_else!("1".parse::<u32>(), |_| 5) } (), 1);
	assert_eq!({ || try_or_else!("a".parse::<u32>(), |_| 5) } (), 5);
	// test try_opt_or!
	assert_eq!({ || try_opt_or!(Some(1), 2) } (), 1);
	assert_eq!({ || try_opt_or!(None, 2) } (), 2);
	// test try_or_else!
	assert_eq!({ || try_opt_or_else!(Some(1), || 2) } (), 1);
	assert_eq!({ || try_opt_or_else!(None, || 2) } (), 2);