trust-dns-client 0.22.0

Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library. This is the Client library with DNSec support. DNSSec with NSEC validation for negative records, is complete. The client supports dynamic DNS with SIG0 authenticated requests, implementing easy to use high level funtions. Trust-DNS is based on the Tokio and Futures libraries, which means it should be easily integrated into other software that also use those libraries.
// Copyright 2015-2019 Benjamin Fry <>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

//! tsigner is a structure for computing tsig messasignuthentication code for dns transactions
use tracing::debug;

use crate::proto::error::{ProtoError, ProtoResult};
use crate::proto::rr::dnssec::rdata::tsig::{
    make_tsig_record, message_tbs, signed_bitmessage_to_buf, TsigAlgorithm, TSIG,
use crate::proto::rr::dnssec::rdata::DNSSECRData;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::sync::Arc;

use crate::op::{DnsResponse, Message, MessageFinalizer, MessageVerifier};
use crate::rr::{Name, RData, Record};

/// Struct to pass to a client for it to authenticate requests using TSIG.
pub struct TSigner(Arc<TSignerInner>);

struct TSignerInner {
    key: Vec<u8>, // TODO this might want to be some sort of auto-zeroing on drop buffer, as it's cryptographic matterial
    algorithm: TsigAlgorithm,
    signer_name: Name,
    fudge: u16,

impl TSigner {
    /// Create a new Tsigner from its parts
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `key` - cryptographic key used to authenticate exchanges
    /// * `algorithm` - algorithm used to authenticate exchanges
    /// * `signer_name` - name of the key. Must match the name known to the server
    /// * `fudge` - maximum difference between client and server time, in seconds, see [fudge](TSigner::fudge) for details
    pub fn new(
        key: Vec<u8>,
        algorithm: TsigAlgorithm,
        signer_name: Name,
        fudge: u16,
    ) -> ProtoResult<Self> {
        if algorithm.supported() {
            Ok(Self(Arc::new(TSignerInner {
        } else {
            Err(ProtoError::from("unsupported mac algorithm"))

    /// Return the key used for message authentication
    pub fn key(&self) -> &[u8] {

    /// Return the algorithm used for message authentication
    pub fn algorithm(&self) -> &TsigAlgorithm {

    /// Name of the key used by this signer
    pub fn signer_name(&self) -> &Name {

    /// Maximum time difference between client time when issuing a message, and server time when
    /// receiving it, in second. If time is out, the server will consider the request invalid.
    /// Longer values means more room for replay by an attacker. A few minutes are usually a good
    /// value.
    pub fn fudge(&self) -> u16 {

    /// Compute authentication tag for a buffer
    pub fn sign(&self, tbs: &[u8]) -> ProtoResult<Vec<u8>> {
        self.0.algorithm.mac_data(&self.0.key, tbs)

    /// Compute authentication tag for a message
    pub fn sign_message(&self, message: &Message, pre_tsig: &TSIG) -> ProtoResult<Vec<u8>> {
        message_tbs(None, message, pre_tsig, &self.0.signer_name).and_then(|tbs| self.sign(&tbs))

    /// Verify hmac in constant time to prevent timing attacks
    pub fn verify(&self, tbv: &[u8], tag: &[u8]) -> ProtoResult<()> {
        self.0.algorithm.verify_mac(&self.0.key, tbv, tag)

    /// Verify the message is correctly signed
    /// This does not perform time verification on its own, instead one should verify current time
    /// lie in returned Range
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `previous_hash` - Hash of the last message received before this one, or of the query for
    /// the first message
    /// * `message` - byte buffer containing current message
    /// * `first_message` - is this the first response message
    /// # Returns
    /// Return Ok(_) on valid signature. Inner tuple contain the following values, in order:
    /// * a byte buffer containing the hash of this message. Need to be passed back when
    /// authenticating next message
    /// * a Range of time that is acceptable
    /// * the time the signature was emited. It must be greater or equal to the time of previous
    /// messages, if any
    pub fn verify_message_byte(
        previous_hash: Option<&[u8]>,
        message: &[u8],
        first_message: bool,
    ) -> ProtoResult<(Vec<u8>, Range<u64>, u64)> {
        let (tbv, record) = signed_bitmessage_to_buf(previous_hash, message, first_message)?;
        let tsig = if let Some(RData::DNSSEC(DNSSECRData::TSIG(tsig))) = {
        } else {
            unreachable!("tsig::signed_message_to_buff always returns a TSIG record")

        // 1.  Check key
        if != &self.0.signer_name || tsig.algorithm() != &self.0.algorithm {
            return Err(ProtoError::from("tsig validation error: wrong key"));

        // 2.  Check MAC
        //  note: that this verification does not allow for truncation of the HMAC, which technically the RFC suggests.
        //    this is to be pedantic about constant time HMAC validation (prevent timing attacks) as well as any security
        //    concerns about MAC truncation and collisions.
        if tsig.mac().len() < tsig.algorithm().output_len()? {
            return Err(ProtoError::from("Please file an issue with to support truncated HMACs with TSIG"));

        // verify the MAC
        let mac = tsig.mac();
        self.verify(&tbv, mac)
            .map_err(|_e| ProtoError::from("tsig validation error: invalid signature"))?;

        // 3.  Check time values
        // we don't actually have time here so we will let upper level decide
        // this is technically in violation of the RFC, in case both time and
        // truncation policy are bad, time should be reported and this code will report
        // truncation issue instead

        // 4.  Check truncation policy
        //   see not above in regards to not supporting verification of truncated HMACs.
        // if tsig.mac().len() < std::cmp::max(10, self.0.algorithm.output_len()? / 2) {
        //     return Err(ProtoError::from(
        //         "tsig validation error: truncated signature",
        //     ));
        // }

            Range {
                start: tsig.time() - tsig.fudge() as u64,
                end: tsig.time() + tsig.fudge() as u64,

impl MessageFinalizer for TSigner {
    fn finalize_message(
        message: &Message,
        current_time: u32,
    ) -> ProtoResult<(Vec<Record>, Option<MessageVerifier>)> {
        debug!("signing message: {:?}", message);
        let current_time = current_time as u64;

        let pre_tsig = TSIG::new(
            current_time as u64,
        let mut signature: Vec<u8> = self.sign_message(message, &pre_tsig)?;
        let tsig = make_tsig_record(
        let self2 = self.clone();
        let mut remote_time = 0;
        let verifier = move |dns_response: &[u8]| {
            let (last_sig, range, rt) = self2.verify_message_byte(
                remote_time == 0,
            if rt >= remote_time && range.contains(&current_time)
            // this assumes a no-latency answer
                signature = last_sig;
                remote_time = rt;
            } else {
                Err(ProtoError::from("tsig validation error: outdated response"))
        Ok((vec![tsig], Some(Box::new(verifier))))

#[cfg(any(feature = "dnssec-ring", feature = "dnssec-openssl"))]

mod tests {
    #![allow(clippy::dbg_macro, clippy::print_stdout)]

    use crate::op::{Message, Query};
    use crate::rr::Name;
    use crate::serialize::binary::BinEncodable;

    use super::*;
    fn assert_send_and_sync<T: Send + Sync>() {}

    fn test_send_and_sync() {

    fn test_sign_and_verify_message_tsig() {
        let time_begin = 1609459200u64;
        let fudge = 300u64;
        let origin: Name = Name::parse("", None).unwrap();
        let key_name: Name = Name::from_ascii("key_name").unwrap();
        let mut question: Message = Message::new();
        let mut query: Query = Query::new();

        let sig_key = b"some_key".to_vec();
        let signer =
            TSigner::new(sig_key, TsigAlgorithm::HmacSha512, key_name, fudge as u16).unwrap();

            .finalize(&signer, time_begin as u32)
            .expect("should have signed");

        let (_, validity_range, _) = signer
            .verify_message_byte(None, &question.to_bytes().unwrap(), true)
        assert!(validity_range.contains(&(time_begin + fudge / 2))); // slightly outdated, but still to be acceptable
        assert!(validity_range.contains(&(time_begin - fudge / 2))); // sooner than our time, but still acceptable
        assert!(!validity_range.contains(&(time_begin + fudge * 2))); // too late to be accepted
        assert!(!validity_range.contains(&(time_begin - fudge * 2))); // too soon to be accepted

    // make rejection tests shorter by centralizing common setup code
    fn get_message_and_signer() -> (Message, TSigner) {
        let time_begin = 1609459200u64;
        let fudge = 300u64;
        let origin: Name = Name::parse("", None).unwrap();
        let key_name: Name = Name::from_ascii("key_name").unwrap();
        let mut question: Message = Message::new();
        let mut query: Query = Query::new();

        let sig_key = b"some_key".to_vec();
        let signer =
            TSigner::new(sig_key, TsigAlgorithm::HmacSha512, key_name, fudge as u16).unwrap();

            .finalize(&signer, time_begin as u32)
            .expect("should have signed");

        // this should be ok, it has not been tampered with
            .verify_message_byte(None, &question.to_bytes().unwrap(), true)

        (question, signer)

    fn test_sign_and_verify_message_tsig_reject_keyname() {
        let (mut question, signer) = get_message_and_signer();

        let other_name: Name = Name::from_ascii("other_name").unwrap();
        let mut signature = question.take_signature().remove(0);

            .verify_message_byte(None, &question.to_bytes().unwrap(), true)

    fn test_sign_and_verify_message_tsig_reject_invalid_mac() {
        let (mut question, signer) = get_message_and_signer();

        let mut query: Query = Query::new();
        let origin: Name = Name::parse("", None).unwrap();

            .verify_message_byte(None, &question.to_bytes().unwrap(), true)

    #[cfg(feature = "hmac_truncation")] // not currently supported for security reasons
    fn test_sign_and_verify_message_tsig_truncation() {
        let (mut question, signer) = get_message_and_signer();

            let mut signature = question.take_signature().remove(0);
            if let RData::DNSSEC(DNSSECRData::TSIG(ref mut tsig)) = signature.rdata_mut() {
                let mut mac = tsig.mac().to_vec();
                mac.push(0); // make one longer than sha512
                std::mem::swap(tsig, &mut tsig.clone().set_mac(mac));
            } else {
                panic!("should have been a TSIG");

        // we are longer, there is a problem
            .verify_message_byte(None, &question.to_bytes().unwrap(), true)
            let mut signature = question.take_signature().remove(0);
            if let RData::DNSSEC(DNSSECRData::TSIG(ref mut tsig)) = signature.rdata_mut() {
                // sha512 is 512 bits, half of that is 256 bits, /8 for byte
                let mac = tsig.mac()[..256 / 8].to_vec();
                std::mem::swap(tsig, &mut tsig.clone().set_mac(mac));
            } else {
                panic!("should have been a TSIG");

        // we are at half, it's allowed
            .verify_message_byte(None, &question.to_bytes().unwrap(), true)

            let mut signature = question.take_signature().remove(0);
            if let RData::DNSSEC(DNSSECRData::TSIG(ref mut tsig)) = signature.rdata_mut() {
                // less than half of sha512
                let mac = tsig.mac()[..240 / 8].to_vec();
                std::mem::swap(tsig, &mut tsig.clone().set_mac(mac));
            } else {
                panic!("should have been a TSIG");

            .verify_message_byte(None, &question.to_bytes().unwrap(), true)