trussed 0.1.0

Modern Cryptographic Firmware
use chacha20::ChaCha20;

use crate::*;
use crate::types::*;
use littlefs2::{consts, fs::{Allocation, Filesystem}};
use littlefs2::const_ram_storage;
use interchange::Interchange;
use entropy::shannon_entropy;

use crate::client::{
    CryptoClient as _,

pub struct MockRng(ChaCha20);

impl MockRng {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        use chacha20::cipher::NewCipher;
        let key = GenericArray::from_slice(b"an example very very secret key.");
        let nonce = GenericArray::from_slice(b"secret nonce");
        Self(ChaCha20::new(&key, &nonce))

impl rand_core::CryptoRng for MockRng {}

impl crate::service::RngCore for MockRng {
    fn fill_bytes(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) {
        use chacha20::cipher::StreamCipher;

    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {

    fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {

    fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), rand_core::Error> {

pub struct UserInterface {

impl crate::platform::UserInterface for UserInterface
    fn check_user_presence(&mut self) -> consent::Level {

    fn set_status(&mut self, status: ui::Status) {

        println!("Set status: {:?}", status);


    fn refresh(&mut self) {


    fn uptime(&mut self) -> core::time::Duration {

    fn reboot(&mut self, to: reboot::To) -> ! {
        println!("Restart!  ({:?})", to);

    fn wink(&mut self, _duration: core::time::Duration) {}


const_ram_storage!(InternalStorage, 4096*10);
const_ram_storage!(ExternalStorage, 4096*10);
const_ram_storage!(VolatileStorage, 4096*10);

// Using macro to avoid maintaining the type declarations
macro_rules! create_memory {
    () => {

            let filesystem = InternalStorage::new();
            static mut INTERNAL_STORAGE: Option<InternalStorage> = None;
            unsafe { INTERNAL_STORAGE = Some(filesystem); }
            static mut INTERNAL_FS_ALLOC: Option<Allocation<InternalStorage>> = None;
            unsafe { INTERNAL_FS_ALLOC = Some(Filesystem::allocate()); }

            static mut EXTERNAL_STORAGE: ExternalStorage = ExternalStorage::new();
            static mut EXTERNAL_FS_ALLOC: Option<Allocation<ExternalStorage>> = None;
            unsafe { EXTERNAL_FS_ALLOC = Some(Filesystem::allocate()); }

            static mut VOLATILE_STORAGE: VolatileStorage = VolatileStorage::new();
            static mut VOLATILE_FS_ALLOC: Option<Allocation<VolatileStorage>> = None;
            unsafe { VOLATILE_FS_ALLOC = Some(Filesystem::allocate()); }

                unsafe { INTERNAL_FS_ALLOC.as_mut().unwrap() },
                unsafe { INTERNAL_STORAGE.as_mut().unwrap() },
                unsafe { EXTERNAL_FS_ALLOC.as_mut().unwrap() },
                unsafe { &mut EXTERNAL_STORAGE },
                unsafe { VOLATILE_FS_ALLOC.as_mut().unwrap() },
                unsafe { &mut VOLATILE_STORAGE },

    // Create a "copy"
    ($memory: expr) => {
            let mem_2 = unsafe{&*(&$memory as *const (
                &'static mut littlefs2::fs::Allocation<InternalStorage>,
                &'static mut InternalStorage,
                &'static mut littlefs2::fs::Allocation<ExternalStorage>,
                &'static mut ExternalStorage,
                &'static mut littlefs2::fs::Allocation<VolatileStorage>,
                &'static mut VolatileStorage,
            let mem_2 = (
                (mem_2.0 as *const littlefs2::fs::Allocation<InternalStorage>) as u64,
                (mem_2.1 as *const InternalStorage) as u64,
                (mem_2.2 as *const littlefs2::fs::Allocation<ExternalStorage>) as u64,
                (mem_2.3 as *const ExternalStorage) as u64,
                (mem_2.4 as *const littlefs2::fs::Allocation<VolatileStorage>) as u64,
                (mem_2.5 as *const VolatileStorage) as u64,
            let mem_2: (
                &'static mut littlefs2::fs::Allocation<InternalStorage>,
                &'static mut InternalStorage,
                &'static mut littlefs2::fs::Allocation<ExternalStorage>,
                &'static mut ExternalStorage,
                &'static mut littlefs2::fs::Allocation<VolatileStorage>,
                &'static mut VolatileStorage,
            ) = (



// TODO: what's going on here? Duplicates code in `tests/client/`.
// Might make sense as a trussed::fixture submodule activated via feature flag.
macro_rules! setup {
    ($client:ident) => {
        let memory = create_memory!();
        setup!($client, Store, Platform, memory, [0u8; 32], true);
    ($client:ident, $store:ident, $platform: ident, $memory:expr, $seed:expr, $reformat: expr) => {

                Internal: InternalStorage,
                External: ExternalStorage,
                Volatile: VolatileStorage
                R: MockRng,
                S: $store,
                UI: UserInterface,

            let store = $store::claim().unwrap();


            let rng = MockRng::new();
            let pc_interface: UserInterface = Default::default();

            let platform = $platform::new(rng, store, pc_interface);
            let mut trussed: crate::Service<$platform> = crate::service::Service::new(platform);

            unsafe { crate::pipe::TrussedInterchange::reset_claims(); }
            let (test_trussed_requester, test_trussed_responder) = crate::pipe::TrussedInterchange::claim()
                .expect("could not setup TEST TrussedInterchange");
            let test_client_id = "TEST".into();

            assert!(trussed.add_endpoint(test_trussed_responder, test_client_id).is_ok());

            let mut $client = {
                pub type TestClient<'a> = crate::ClientImplementation<&'a mut crate::Service<$platform>>;
                    &mut trussed


fn dummy() {



fn sign_ed255() {
    // let mut client = setup!();

    use crate::client::mechanisms::{Ed255, P256};
    let future = client.generate_ed255_private_key(Location::Internal).expect("no client error");
    println!("submitted gen ed255");
    let reply = block!(future);
    let private_key = reply.expect("no errors, never").key;
    println!("got a private key {:?}", &private_key);

    let public_key = block!(client.derive_ed255_public_key(private_key, Location::Volatile).expect("no client error"))
        .expect("no issues").key;
    println!("got a public key {:?}", &public_key);

            client.derive_ed255_public_key(private_key, Location::Volatile).expect("no client error wot")
            client.derive_p256_public_key(private_key, Location::Volatile).expect("no client error wot")

    let message = [1u8, 2u8, 3u8];
    let future = client.sign_ed255(private_key, &message).expect("no client error post err");
    let reply: Result<api::reply::Sign, _> = block!(future);
    let signature = reply.expect("good signature").signature;
    println!("got a signature: {:?}", &signature);

    let future = client.verify_ed255(public_key, &message, &signature).expect("no client error");
    let reply = block!(future);
    let valid = reply.expect("good signature").valid;

    let future = client.verify_ed255(public_key, &message, &[1u8,2,3]).expect("no client error");
    let reply = block!(future);
    assert_eq!(Err(Error::WrongSignatureLength), reply);

fn sign_p256() {
    use crate::client::mechanisms::P256 as _;
    // let mut client = setup!();
        let private_key = block!(client.generate_p256_private_key(Location::External).expect("no client error"))
            .expect("no errors").key;
        println!("got a public key {:?}", &private_key);
        let public_key = block!(client.derive_p256_public_key(private_key, Location::Volatile).expect("no client error"))
            .expect("no errors").key;
        println!("got a public key {:?}", &public_key);

        let message = [1u8, 2u8, 3u8];
        let signature = block!(client.sign_p256(private_key, &message, SignatureSerialization::Raw)
            .expect("no client error"))
            .expect("good signature")

        // use core::convert::AsMut;
        // let sig = signature.0.as_mut()[0] = 0;
        let future = client.verify_p256(public_key, &message, &signature);
        let future = future.expect("no client error");
        let result = block!(future);
        if result.is_err() {
            println!("error: {:?}", result);
        let reply = result.expect("valid signature");
        let valid = reply.valid;

fn agree_p256() {
    // let mut client = setup!();
    use crate::client::mechanisms::P256;
        let plat_private_key = block!(client.generate_p256_private_key(Location::Volatile).expect("no client error"))
            .expect("no errors").key;
        println!("got a public key {:?}", &plat_private_key);
        let plat_public_key = block!(client.derive_p256_public_key(plat_private_key, Location::Volatile).expect("no client error"))
            .expect("no errors").key;
        println!("got a public key {:?}", &plat_public_key);

        let auth_private_key = block!(client.generate_p256_private_key(Location::Volatile).expect("no client error"))
            .expect("no errors").key;
        println!("got a public key {:?}", &auth_private_key);
        let auth_public_key = block!(client.derive_p256_public_key(auth_private_key, Location::Volatile).expect("no client error"))
            .expect("no errors").key;
        println!("got a public key {:?}", &auth_public_key);

        let shared_secret = block!(
            client.agree(Mechanism::P256, auth_private_key.clone(), plat_public_key.clone(),
                .expect("no client error"))
            .expect("no errors").shared_secret;

        let alt_shared_secret = block!(
            client.agree(Mechanism::P256, plat_private_key.clone(), auth_public_key.clone(),
                .expect("no client error"))
            .expect("no errors").shared_secret;

        // NB: we have no idea about the value of keys, these are just *different* handles
        assert_ne!(&shared_secret, &alt_shared_secret);

        let symmetric_key = block!(
            client.derive_key(Mechanism::Sha256, shared_secret.clone(), None,
                .expect("no client error"))
            .expect("no errors").key;

        let new_pin_enc = [1u8, 2, 3];

        let _tag = block!(
            client.sign(Mechanism::HmacSha256, symmetric_key.clone(), &new_pin_enc, SignatureSerialization::Raw)
                .expect("no client error"))
            .expect("no errors").signature;

fn aead() {
    use crate::client::mechanisms::Chacha8Poly1305;
    let secret_key =
            .expect("no client error")
        .expect("no errors")

    println!("got a key {:?}", &secret_key);

    let message = b"test message";
    let associated_data = b"";
    let api::reply::Encrypt { ciphertext, nonce, tag } =
        block!(client.encrypt_chacha8poly1305(secret_key, message, associated_data, None).expect("no client error"))
        .expect("no errors");

    let plaintext =
             ).map_err(drop).expect("no client error"))
        .map_err(drop).expect("no errors").plaintext;

    assert_eq!(&message[..], plaintext.unwrap().as_ref());

fn rng() {

    macro_rules! gen_bytes {
        ($client:expr, $size: expr) => {
                assert!(($size % 128) == 0);
                let mut rng_bytes = [0u8; $size];
                for x in (0..$size).step_by(128) {
                    let rng_chunk =
                            .expect("no client error")
                        .expect("no errors")
                    rng_bytes[x .. x + 128].clone_from_slice(&rng_chunk);

    let bytes = gen_bytes!(client1, 1024*100);
    let entropy = shannon_entropy(&bytes);
    println!("got entropy of {} bytes: {}", bytes.len(), entropy);
    assert!(entropy > 7.99);

    // Since RNG is deterministic for these tests, we expect two clients with same seed
    // to have the same output.
    let mem1 = create_memory!();
    let mem2 = create_memory!();
    let mem3 = create_memory!();
    setup!(client_twin1, StoreTwin1, PlatformTwin1, mem1, [0x01u8; 32], true);
    setup!(client_twin2, StoreTwin2, PlatformTwin2, mem2, [0x01u8; 32], true);
    setup!(client_3, StoreTwin3, PlatformTwin3, mem3, [0x02u8; 32], true);
    let bytes_twin1 = gen_bytes!(client_twin1, 1024*100);
    let bytes_twin2 = gen_bytes!(client_twin2, 1024*100);
    let bytes_3 = gen_bytes!(client_3, 1024*100);

    for i in 0 .. bytes_twin2.len() {
        assert!(bytes_twin1[i] == bytes_twin2[i]);
    for i in 0 .. bytes_twin2.len() {
        // bytes_3 was from different seed.
        if bytes_3[i] != bytes_twin2[i] {
        if i > 200 {
            assert!(false, "Changing seed did not change rng");

    let mem = create_memory!();
    let mem_copy = create_memory!(mem);

    // Trussed saves the RNG state so it cannot produce the same RNG on different boots.
    setup!(client_twin3, StoreTwin4, PlatformTwin4, mem, [0x01u8; 32], true);

    let first_128 = gen_bytes!(client_twin3, 128);

    // This time don't reformat the memory -- should pick up on last rng state.
    setup!(client_twin4, StoreTwin5, PlatformTwin5, mem_copy, [0x01u8; 32], false);

    let second_128 = gen_bytes!(client_twin4, 128);

    let mut mismatch_count = 0;
    for i in 0 .. 128 {
        assert!(first_128[i] == bytes_twin2[i]);
        if first_128[i] != second_128[i] {
            mismatch_count += 1;
    assert!(mismatch_count > 100);
