trident3-base 3.0.1

Foundation runtime library for Trident 3
pub static GLOBAL: GlobalAllocator = GlobalAllocator;

/// Allocates a chunk of memory.
pub extern "C" fn __rust_allocate(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
   let layout = Layout::from_size_align(size, align);
   unsafe {
         .expect("must first initialise heap before allocating memory")

/// Frees a chunk of memory.
pub extern "C" fn __rust_deallocate(pointer: *mut u8, oldSize: usize, align: usize) {
   let layout = Layout::from_size_align(oldSize, align);
   unsafe {
         .expect("must first initialise heap before attempting to deallocate memory")
         .deallocate(NonNull::new_unchecked(pointer), layout);

/// Reallocates a chunk of memory.
pub extern "C" fn __rust_reallocate(
   pointer: *mut u8,
   oldSize: usize,
   newSize: usize,
   align: usize,
) -> *mut u8 {
   let newPointer = __rust_allocate(newSize, align);
   return if newPointer.is_null() {
   } else {
      unsafe {
         ptr::copy(pointer, newPointer, min(newSize, oldSize));

      __rust_deallocate(pointer, oldSize, align);

/// We do not support in-place reallocation, so just return `oldSize`.
pub extern "C" fn __rust_reallocate_inplace(
   _pointer: *mut u8,
   oldSize: usize,
   _size: usize,
   _align: usize,
) -> usize {

/// I have no idea what this actually does, but we're supposed to have one,
/// and the other backends to implement it as something equivalent to the
/// following.
pub extern "C" fn __rust_usable_size(size: usize, _align: usize) -> usize {

/// Performs a single heap allocation, like `malloc`.
/// Uses the size and align of `T` for the memory layout.
/// ## Arguments
/// * `allocator` - [Allocator](crate::alloc::Allocator) trait implementation.
/// ## Safety
/// Unsafe because of a call to [`allocate_aligned`](crate::alloc::Allocator::allocate_aligned),
/// where the call is inherently unsafe because we aren't certain the allocation will succeed.
pub unsafe fn allocate<T>(allocator: &mut dyn Allocator) -> Option<NonNull<T>> {
   allocator.allocate_aligned(Layout::new::<T>()).map(|ptr| ptr.cast::<T>())

/// Allocates an array of size `size`.
/// ## Arguments
/// * `allocator` - [Allocator](crate::alloc::Allocator) trait implementation.
/// * `size` - A [`usize`](prim@usize) providing the size of the array to be allocated.
/// ## Safety
/// Unsafe because of a call to [`allocate_aligned`](crate::alloc::Allocator::allocate_aligned),
/// where the call is inherently unsafe because we aren't certain the allocation will succeed.
pub unsafe fn allocate_array<T>(allocator: &mut dyn Allocator, size: usize) -> Option<NonNull<T>> {
      .map(|ptr| ptr.cast::<T>())

pub struct AllocationError;

impl Display for AllocationError {
   fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
      write!(f, "An error occurred allocating the requested memory")

/// A global allocator for our program.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct GlobalAllocator;

/// A simple wrapper around `spin::Mutex` to enable trait implementations.
pub struct LockedAllocator<A: Allocator>(pub Mutex<A>);

impl<A> LockedAllocator<A>
   A: Allocator,
   pub const fn new(allocator: A) -> Self {
      return LockedAllocator(Mutex::new(allocator));

   pub fn lock(&self) -> MutexGuard<A> {
      return self.0.lock();

pub unsafe trait Allocator {
   fn allocate(&self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>>;
   unsafe fn deallocate(&self, pointer: *mut u8, layout: Layout);
   unsafe fn reallocate(
      pointer: *mut u8,
      oldSize: usize,
      layout: Layout,
   ) -> Option<NonNull<u8>>;

   unsafe fn allocate_aligned(&self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
      let actualSize = layout.size + layout.align - 1 + size_of::<usize>();

      let pointer = match self.allocate(Layout::from_size(actualSize)) {
         Some(p) => p.as_ptr() as usize,
         None => return None,

      let alignedPointer = layout.align_up(pointer + size_of::<usize>());
      let actualP2P = alignedPointer - size_of::<usize>();

      ptr::write_unaligned(actualP2P as *mut usize, pointer);

      return Some(NonNull::new_unchecked(alignedPointer as *mut u8));

   unsafe fn deallocate_aligned(&self, pointer: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
      let alignedPointer = pointer as usize;
      let actualP2P = alignedPointer - size_of::<usize>();
      let actualPointer = ptr::read_unaligned(actualP2P as *const usize);

      self.deallocate(actualPointer as *mut u8, layout);

unsafe impl<A: Allocator> Allocator for Mutex<A> {
   fn allocate(&self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
      return self.lock().allocate(layout);

   unsafe fn deallocate(&self, pointer: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
      self.lock().deallocate(pointer, layout);

   unsafe fn reallocate(
      pointer: *mut u8,
      oldSize: usize,
      layout: Layout,
   ) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
      return self.lock().reallocate(pointer, oldSize, layout);

unsafe impl<A: Allocator> Allocator for LockedAllocator<A> {
   fn allocate(&self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
      return self.lock().allocate(layout);

   unsafe fn deallocate(&self, pointer: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
      return self.lock().deallocate(pointer, layout);

   unsafe fn reallocate(
      pointer: *mut u8,
      oldSize: usize,
      layout: Layout,
   ) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
      return self.lock().reallocate(pointer, oldSize, layout);

unsafe impl<A: Allocator> Allocator for &RefCell<A> {
   fn allocate(&self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
      return self.borrow_mut().allocate(layout);

   unsafe fn deallocate(&self, pointer: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
      return self.borrow_mut().deallocate(pointer, layout);

   unsafe fn reallocate(
      pointer: *mut u8,
      oldSize: usize,
      layout: Layout,
   ) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
      return self.borrow_mut().reallocate(pointer, oldSize, layout);

unsafe impl Allocator for GlobalAllocator {
   fn allocate(&self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
      return Some(NonNull::new(__rust_allocate(layout.size, layout.align)).unwrap());

   unsafe fn deallocate(&self, pointer: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
      __rust_deallocate(pointer, layout.size, layout.align);

   unsafe fn reallocate(
      pointer: *mut u8,
      oldSize: usize,
      layout: Layout,
   ) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
      return Some(

unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for GlobalAllocator {
   unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: StdLayout) -> *mut u8 {
      let layout = Layout::from(layout);

         .map_or(0 as *mut u8, |allocation| allocation.as_ptr())

   unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: StdLayout) {
      let layout = Layout::from(layout);
      self.deallocate(ptr, layout);


/// A simple heap based on a buddy allocator.  For the theory of buddy
/// allocators, see
/// or
/// The basic idea is that our heap size is a power of two, and the heap
/// starts out as one giant free block.  When a memory allocation request
/// is received, we round the requested size up to a power of two, and find
/// the smallest available block we can use.  If the smallest free block is
/// too big (more than twice as big as the memory we want to allocate), we
/// split the smallest free block in half recursively until it's the right
/// size.  This simplifies a lot of bookkeeping, because all our block
/// sizes are a power of 2, which makes it easy to have one free array per
/// block size.
pub mod heap;

/// Implements a simple memory layout structure.
pub mod layout;

/// Implements two memory allocators: a Buddy Allocator and a Best-Fit Allocator,
/// respectively referred to as [`BUDDY_ALLOCATOR`][crate::alloc::paging::BUDDY_ALLOCATOR]
/// and [`FIT_ALLOCATOR`][crate::alloc::paging::FIT_ALLOCATOR].
pub mod paging;


pub use self::layout::Layout;


use {
   std_alloc::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout as StdLayout},
      fmt::{Display, Formatter},
      ptr::{self, NonNull},
   spin::{Mutex, MutexGuard},