tree-sitter 0.20.3

Rust bindings to the Tree-sitter parsing library

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "./subtree.h"
#include "tree_sitter/parser.h"

#define ts_builtin_sym_error_repeat (ts_builtin_sym_error - 1)

typedef struct {
  const TSParseAction *actions;
  uint32_t action_count;
  bool is_reusable;
} TableEntry;

typedef struct {
  const TSLanguage *language;
  const uint16_t *data;
  const uint16_t *group_end;
  TSStateId state;
  uint16_t table_value;
  uint16_t section_index;
  uint16_t group_count;
  bool is_small_state;

  const TSParseAction *actions;
  TSSymbol symbol;
  TSStateId next_state;
  uint16_t action_count;
} LookaheadIterator;

void ts_language_table_entry(const TSLanguage *, TSStateId, TSSymbol, TableEntry *);

TSSymbolMetadata ts_language_symbol_metadata(const TSLanguage *, TSSymbol);

TSSymbol ts_language_public_symbol(const TSLanguage *, TSSymbol);

static inline bool ts_language_is_symbol_external(const TSLanguage *self, TSSymbol symbol) {
  return 0 < symbol && symbol < self->external_token_count + 1;

static inline const TSParseAction *ts_language_actions(
  const TSLanguage *self,
  TSStateId state,
  TSSymbol symbol,
  uint32_t *count
) {
  TableEntry entry;
  ts_language_table_entry(self, state, symbol, &entry);
  *count = entry.action_count;
  return entry.actions;

static inline bool ts_language_has_reduce_action(
  const TSLanguage *self,
  TSStateId state,
  TSSymbol symbol
) {
  TableEntry entry;
  ts_language_table_entry(self, state, symbol, &entry);
  return entry.action_count > 0 && entry.actions[0].type == TSParseActionTypeReduce;

// Lookup the table value for a given symbol and state.
// For non-terminal symbols, the table value represents a successor state.
// For terminal symbols, it represents an index in the actions table.
// For 'large' parse states, this is a direct lookup. For 'small' parse
// states, this requires searching through the symbol groups to find
// the given symbol.
static inline uint16_t ts_language_lookup(
  const TSLanguage *self,
  TSStateId state,
  TSSymbol symbol
) {
  if (state >= self->large_state_count) {
    uint32_t index = self->small_parse_table_map[state - self->large_state_count];
    const uint16_t *data = &self->small_parse_table[index];
    uint16_t group_count = *(data++);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < group_count; i++) {
      uint16_t section_value = *(data++);
      uint16_t symbol_count = *(data++);
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < symbol_count; i++) {
        if (*(data++) == symbol) return section_value;
    return 0;
  } else {
    return self->parse_table[state * self->symbol_count + symbol];

static inline bool ts_language_has_actions(
  const TSLanguage *self,
  TSStateId state,
  TSSymbol symbol
) {
  return ts_language_lookup(self, state, symbol) != 0;

// Iterate over all of the symbols that are valid in the given state.
// For 'large' parse states, this just requires iterating through
// all possible symbols and checking the parse table for each one.
// For 'small' parse states, this exploits the structure of the
// table to only visit the valid symbols.
static inline LookaheadIterator ts_language_lookaheads(
  const TSLanguage *self,
  TSStateId state
) {
  bool is_small_state = state >= self->large_state_count;
  const uint16_t *data;
  const uint16_t *group_end = NULL;
  uint16_t group_count = 0;
  if (is_small_state) {
    uint32_t index = self->small_parse_table_map[state - self->large_state_count];
    data = &self->small_parse_table[index];
    group_end = data + 1;
    group_count = *data;
  } else {
    data = &self->parse_table[state * self->symbol_count] - 1;
  return (LookaheadIterator) {
    .language = self,
    .data = data,
    .group_end = group_end,
    .group_count = group_count,
    .is_small_state = is_small_state,
    .symbol = UINT16_MAX,
    .next_state = 0,

static inline bool ts_lookahead_iterator_next(LookaheadIterator *self) {
  // For small parse states, valid symbols are listed explicitly,
  // grouped by their value. There's no need to look up the actions
  // again until moving to the next group.
  if (self->is_small_state) {
    if (self->data == self->group_end) {
      if (self->group_count == 0) return false;
      self->table_value = *(self->data++);
      unsigned symbol_count = *(self->data++);
      self->group_end = self->data + symbol_count;
      self->symbol = *self->data;
    } else {
      self->symbol = *self->data;
      return true;

  // For large parse states, iterate through every symbol until one
  // is found that has valid actions.
  else {
    do {
      if (self->symbol >= self->language->symbol_count) return false;
      self->table_value = *self->data;
    } while (!self->table_value);

  // Depending on if the symbols is terminal or non-terminal, the table value either
  // represents a list of actions or a successor state.
  if (self->symbol < self->language->token_count) {
    const TSParseActionEntry *entry = &self->language->parse_actions[self->table_value];
    self->action_count = entry->entry.count;
    self->actions = (const TSParseAction *)(entry + 1);
    self->next_state = 0;
  } else {
    self->action_count = 0;
    self->next_state = self->table_value;
  return true;

static inline TSStateId ts_language_next_state(
  const TSLanguage *self,
  TSStateId state,
  TSSymbol symbol
) {
  if (symbol == ts_builtin_sym_error || symbol == ts_builtin_sym_error_repeat) {
    return 0;
  } else if (symbol < self->token_count) {
    uint32_t count;
    const TSParseAction *actions = ts_language_actions(self, state, symbol, &count);
    if (count > 0) {
      TSParseAction action = actions[count - 1];
      if (action.type == TSParseActionTypeShift) {
        return action.shift.extra ? state : action.shift.state;
    return 0;
  } else {
    return ts_language_lookup(self, state, symbol);

// Whether the state is a "primary state". If this returns false, it indicates that there exists
// another state that behaves identically to this one with respect to query analysis.
static inline bool ts_language_state_is_primary(
  const TSLanguage *self,
  TSStateId state
) {
  if (self->version >= 14) {
    return state == self->primary_state_ids[state];
  } else {
    return true;

static inline const bool *ts_language_enabled_external_tokens(
  const TSLanguage *self,
  unsigned external_scanner_state
) {
  if (external_scanner_state == 0) {
    return NULL;
  } else {
    return self->external_scanner.states + self->external_token_count * external_scanner_state;

static inline const TSSymbol *ts_language_alias_sequence(
  const TSLanguage *self,
  uint32_t production_id
) {
  return production_id ?
    &self->alias_sequences[production_id * self->max_alias_sequence_length] :

static inline TSSymbol ts_language_alias_at(
  const TSLanguage *self,
  uint32_t production_id,
  uint32_t child_index
) {
  return production_id ?
    self->alias_sequences[production_id * self->max_alias_sequence_length + child_index] :

static inline void ts_language_field_map(
  const TSLanguage *self,
  uint32_t production_id,
  const TSFieldMapEntry **start,
  const TSFieldMapEntry **end
) {
  if (self->field_count == 0) {
    *start = NULL;
    *end = NULL;

  TSFieldMapSlice slice = self->field_map_slices[production_id];
  *start = &self->field_map_entries[slice.index];
  *end = &self->field_map_entries[slice.index] + slice.length;

static inline void ts_language_aliases_for_symbol(
  const TSLanguage *self,
  TSSymbol original_symbol,
  const TSSymbol **start,
  const TSSymbol **end
) {
  *start = &self->public_symbol_map[original_symbol];
  *end = *start + 1;

  unsigned i = 0;
  for (;;) {
    TSSymbol symbol = self->alias_map[i++];
    if (symbol == 0 || symbol > original_symbol) break;
    uint16_t count = self->alias_map[i++];
    if (symbol == original_symbol) {
      *start = &self->alias_map[i];
      *end = &self->alias_map[i + count];
    i += count;

#ifdef __cplusplus