trallocator 0.1.0

A no_std lbrary for wrapping an existing allocator and tracking the heap usage.

Trallocator documentation

A simple no_std library for wrapping an existing allocator and tracking the heap usage. Main usage is to keep track of the heap usage on embedded systems


Simply wrap an existing allocator with a Trallocator.


With another allocator, here we use the system one

extern crate alloc;
extern crate std;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use std::alloc::System;

use trallocator::Trallocator;

static ALLOCATOR: Trallocator<System> = Trallocator::new(System);
fn main() {
    let init = ALLOCATOR.usage();
    let mut vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
    assert_eq!(ALLOCATOR.usage(), init+32);

With the allocator API

extern crate alloc;
extern crate std;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use std::alloc::System;

use trallocator::Trallocator;

let tralloc: Trallocator<System> = Trallocator::new(System);
assert_eq!(tralloc.usage(), 0);
let mut vec: Vec<u8, _> = Vec::new_in(&tralloc);
assert_eq!(tralloc.usage(), 32);


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