trait-based-collection 0.1.0

A trait-based collection library that implement different data structures using the same trait.

A collection of data structures that implement the [Collection] trait, allowing for a common interface for all the data structures in this crate. This crate is intended to be a proof of concept a common interface for all the data structures in Rust. Not all the data structures are implemented in this crate, but the ones that are implemented are:

  • [Queue]: A FIFO data structure based on linked nodes.
  • [Deque]: A FIFO and LIFO data structure based on linked nodes.
  • [CircularDeque]: A FIFO and LIFO data structure based on a circular array.
  • [Stack]: A LIFO data structure based on a linked nodes.
  • [ArrayStack]: A LIFO data structure based on a fixed size array.
  • [BinaryHeap]: A PriorityQueue data structure based on a binary heap.

The crate also contains the following traits:

  • [Collection]: A trait that defines the common interface for all the data structures in this crate.
  • [FixedSizeCollection]: A trait that defines the common interface for all the data structures in this crate that have a fixed size.
  • [Iterators]: A trait that defines the common interface for all the iterators in this crate.
  • [DequeCollection]: A trait that defines the common interface for all the data structures in this crate that are both FIFO and LIFO.

The crate also contains the following macros for easily creating data structures:

  • [queue!]: A macro that creates a [Queue] data structure.
  • [deque!]: A macro that creates a [Deque] data structure.
  • [circular_deque!]: A macro that creates a [CircularDeque] data structure.
  • [stack!]: A macro that creates a [Stack] data structure.
  • [array_stack!]: A macro that creates a [ArrayStack] data structure.
  • [binary_heap!]: A macro that creates a [BinaryHeap] data structure.

The crate also contain extra modules for creating new data structures and for creating macros that can be used to add functionality to the data structures in this crate. For more information about these modules, see the documentation of [macros].


use trait_based_collection::{import, Deque};

# fn main() {
let mut deque = deque![1, 2, 3];

for i in 4..=10 {

for i in 1..=10 {
assert_eq!(deque.remove(), Some(i));
# }