tracers-codegen 0.1.0

Contains the compile-time code generation logic which powers the `probe` and `tracers` macros. Do not use this crate directly; see "tracers" for more information.
//! This module is where the *implementation* of the probe-related proc macros are.  The actual
//! proc macro is in the `tracers-macros` crate because proc macro crates can _only_ export proc
//! macros and nothing else.  That's an inconvenient restriction, especially since there's quite a
//! lot of overlap between the macro code and the build-time probe code generation logic.  Hence,
//! this bifurcation.
use crate::gen;
use crate::spec::ProbeCallSpecification;
use crate::spec::ProviderInitSpecification;
use crate::spec::ProviderSpecification;
use crate::spec::TracerAttributeArgs;
use crate::TracersResult;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use std::fmt::Display;

/// Uses the `syn` library's `Error` struct to report an error in the form of a `TokenStream`, so
/// that a proc macro can insert this token stream into its output and thereby report a detailed
/// error message to the user.
/// The span of this error corresponds to the `tokens` parameter, so the user gets the relevant
/// context for the error
pub fn report_error<T: quote::ToTokens, U: Display>(tokens: &T, message: U) -> TokenStream {
    syn::Error::new_spanned(tokens, message).to_compile_error()

/// Translates what looks to be an explicit call to the associated function corresponding to a
/// probe on a provider trait, into something which at runtime will most efficiently attempt to
/// access the global static instance of the probe and, if it's enabled, evaluate the args and fire
/// the probe.
/// It translates something like this:
/// ```noexecute
/// probe!(MyProvider::myprobe(1, 5, "this is a string", compute_something()));
/// ```
/// into:
/// ```noexecute
/// {
///     if let Some(probe) = MyProvider::get_myprobe_probe() {
///         if probe.is_enabled() {
///   , 5, "this is a string", compute_something(),)));
///         }
///     }
/// }
/// ```
/// In particular, note that the probe's parameters are not evaluated unless the provider
/// initialized successfully and the probe is enabled.
pub fn probe_impl(tokens: TokenStream) -> TracersResult<TokenStream> {

pub fn init_provider_impl(tokens: TokenStream) -> TracersResult<TokenStream> {

/// Actual implementation of the macro logic, factored out of the proc macro itself so that it's
/// more testable
pub fn tracer_impl(attr_tokens: TokenStream, tokens: TokenStream) -> TracersResult<TokenStream> {