tracers-codegen 0.1.0

Contains the compile-time code generation logic which powers the `probe` and `tracers` macros. Do not use this crate directly; see "tracers" for more information.
//! This module provides a fast but not cryptographically secure hashing algorithm and helper
//! functions which are used to detect changes in Rust code.
//! To maximize build time, this crate is very aggressive at caching and reuse.  To make this easy
//! and avoid the possibility of mistakenly re-using a cached result when something has changed, a
//! fast hashing algorithm is used.  This doesn't need to be cryptographically secure but it does
//! need to be very fast.

use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use twox_hash::XxHash;

pub(crate) type HashCode = u64;

pub(crate) fn hash_buf(buf: &[u8]) -> HashCode {

pub(crate) fn hash<T: Hash>(something: T) -> HashCode {
    let mut hasher = XxHash::with_seed(42);
    something.hash(&mut hasher);

/// Helper method with takes a path (eg `foo/bar/baz.lib`) and a hash code (eg `0xBADF00D`), and
/// produces a version of that path with the hash added to the file name but the path otherwise
/// unchanged.
/// For example:
/// ```no_exec
/// use std::path::Path;
/// let path = &Path::from("/foo/bar/baz.lib");
/// let hash: HashCode = 0xbadf00d;
/// assert_eq!(&Path::new("/foo/bar/baz-badf00d.lib"), add_hash_to_path(&path, hash));
/// ```
pub(crate) fn add_hash_to_path(path: &Path, hash: HashCode) -> PathBuf {
    let mut path = path.to_owned();
    let name = path
        .expect("path is missing a file name")
        .expect("file name contains invalid UTF-8");
    let ext = path
        .map(|ext| format!(".{}", ext.to_str().unwrap()))
        .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_owned());
    let new_name = &format!("{}-{:x}{}", name, hash, ext);



mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn hash_equality() {
        assert_eq!(hash("foo"), hash(&"foo".to_owned()));

    fn hash_inequality() {
        assert_ne!(hash("foo"), hash("foo1"));

    fn file_name_generation() {
        let path = &Path::new("/foo/bar/baz/mylib.a");
        let hash: HashCode = 0xcafebabedeadbeef;

            add_hash_to_path(&path, hash)