tp-note 1.17.2

Minimalistic note taking: save and edit your clipboard content as a note file
#![windows_subsystem = "windows"]
//! _Tp-Note_ is a note taking tool and a template system, that consistently
//! synchronizes the note's metadata with its filename. _Tp-Note_ collects
//! various information about its environment and the clipboard and stores them
//! in variables. New notes are created by filling these variables in predefined
//! and customizable `Tera`-templates. In case `<path>` points to an existing
//! _Tp-Note_-file, the note's metadata is analysed and, if necessary, its
//! filename is modified. For all other file types, _Tp-Note_ creates a new note
//! that annotates the file `<path>` points to. If `<path>` is a directory (or,
//! when omitted the current working directory), a new note is created in that
//! directory. After creation, _Tp-Note_ launches an external editor of your
//! choice. Although the note's structure follows _Pandoc_'s conventions, it is not
//! tied to any specific Markup language.

#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
mod alert_service;
mod config;
mod content;
mod context;
mod error;
mod file_editor;
mod filename;
mod filter;
mod logger;
mod note;
mod process_ext;
mod settings;
#[cfg(feature = "viewer")]
mod viewer;
mod workflow;

#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
use crate::alert_service::AlertService;
use crate::config::backup_config_file;
use crate::config::CFG;
use crate::config::CFG_FILE_LOADING;
use crate::config::CONFIG_PATH;
#[cfg(feature = "read-clipboard")]
use crate::error::NoteError;
#[cfg(feature = "read-clipboard")]
use crate::error::WorkflowError;
use crate::logger::AppLogger;
use crate::settings::ARGS;
#[cfg(feature = "read-clipboard")]
use crate::settings::LAUNCH_EDITOR;
#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
use crate::settings::RUNS_ON_CONSOLE;
use crate::workflow::run;
#[cfg(feature = "read-clipboard")]
use copypasta::ClipboardContext;
#[cfg(feature = "read-clipboard")]
use copypasta::ClipboardProvider;
use error::FileError;
use semver::Version;
use serde::Serialize;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process;
use time;

/// Use the version number defined in `../Cargo.toml`.
const VERSION: Option<&'static str> = option_env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
/// Set the minimum required config file version that is compatible with this Tp-Note version.
/// Examples how to use this constant. Choose one of the following:
/// 1. Require some minimum version of the config file.
///    Abort if not satisfied.
///    ```no_run
///    const MIN_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION: Option<&'static str> = Some("1.5.1");
///    ```
/// 2. Require the config file to be of the same version as this binary.
///    ```no_run
///    const MIN_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION: Option<&'static str> = VERSION;
///    ```
/// 3. Disable minimum version check; all config file versions are allowed.
///    ```no_run
///    const MIN_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION: Option<&'static str> = None;
///    ```
const MIN_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION: Option<&'static str> = Some("1.17.1");
/// Authors.
const AUTHOR: Option<&str> = option_env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS");
/// Copyright.
const COPYRIGHT_FROM: &str = "2020";

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize)]
struct About {
    version: String,
    features: Vec<String>,
    config_file_path: String,
    copyright: String,

/// Print some error message if `run()` does not complete.
/// Exit prematurely if the configuration file version does
/// not match the program version.
fn main() {
    // Setup logger.

    // Read configuration file, or write one if none exists.

    // Set the debug level. Only use config file value if
    // no command-line-option `--debug` is present.
    let level = ARGS.debug.unwrap_or(CFG.arg_default.debug);

    // This eventually will extend the error reporting with more
    // popup alert windows.
    AppLogger::set_popup_always_enabled(ARGS.popup || CFG.arg_default.popup);

    // Check if the config file loading was successful.
    let cfg_file_loading = &*;
    let cfg_file_loading_err = cfg_file_loading.as_ref().err().map(|e| e.to_string());

    // Check if we can parse the version number in there.
    let cfg_file_version = Version::parse(&*CFG.version);
    let cfg_file_version_err = cfg_file_version.as_ref().err().map(|e| e.to_string());

    // This is `Some::String` if one of them is `Err`.
    let cfg_err = cfg_file_loading_err.or(cfg_file_version_err);

    let config_file_version = match cfg_err {
        // This is always `Some::Version` because none of them are `Err`.
        None => cfg_file_version.ok(),

        // One of them is `Err`, we do not care who.
        Some(e) => {
            log::error!("{}", FileError::ConfigFileLoadParseWrite { error: e });

            // Move erroneous config file away.
            if let Err(e) = backup_config_file() {
                    FileError::ConfigFileBackup {
                        error: e.to_string()

            // As we have an error, we indicate that there is no version.

    // Is version number in the configuration file high enough?
    if let Some(config_file_version) = config_file_version {
        if config_file_version < Version::parse(MIN_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION.unwrap_or("0.0.0")).unwrap()
                FileError::ConfigFileVersionMismatch {
                    config_file_version: config_file_version.to_string(),
                    min_version: MIN_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION.unwrap_or("0.0.0").to_string(),
            if let Err(e) = backup_config_file() {
                    FileError::ConfigFileBackup {
                        error: e.to_string()

    // Process `arg = `--version`.
    // The output is YAML formatted for further automatic processing.
    if ARGS.version {
        let mut features = Vec::new();
        #[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
        #[cfg(feature = "viewer")]
        #[cfg(feature = "renderer")]
        #[cfg(feature = "clipboard")]

        let about = About {
            version: VERSION.unwrap_or("unknown").to_string(),
            config_file_path: CONFIG_PATH
            copyright: format!(
                "© {}-{} {}",

        let mut msg = serde_yaml::to_string(&about).unwrap_or_else(|_| "unknown".to_string());

        // Print on console.
        println!("{}", msg);

        // Print in alert box.
        #[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
        if !*RUNS_ON_CONSOLE && !ARGS.batch {
            let _ = AlertService::push_str(msg);

    // Run Tp-Note.
    let res = run();
    match res {
        Err(ref e) => {
            // Something went wrong. Inform user.
            log::error!("{}", e);

        // Print `path` unless `--export=-`.
        Ok(ref path) => {
            if let Some(p) = &ARGS.export {
                if p.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap_or_default() != "-" {
                    println!("{}", path.to_str().unwrap_or_default());
            } else {
                println!("{}", path.to_str().unwrap_or_default());

    // Wait if there are still error messages windows open.

    // Delete clipboard content.
    #[cfg(feature = "read-clipboard")]
    if (*LAUNCH_EDITOR && !ARGS.batch && CFG.clipboard.read_enabled && CFG.clipboard.empty_enabled)
        || matches!(
            Err(WorkflowError::Note {
                source: NoteError::InvalidClipboardYaml { .. },
        if let Ok(mut ctx) = ClipboardContext::new() {
            let _ = ctx.set_contents("".to_string());

    if res.is_err() {