tor_client 0.0.11

A client for the local TOR router instance


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!! WIP - not stable until version 1.0 !!


*[ ] 1.0.0 - Minimal Useful Functionality *[ ] 0.1.0 - Minimal CLI: Handshake and Session creation *[ ] 0.2.0 - Basic I/O: Retrieve web page as a file over TOR using CLI *[ ] 0.3.0 - Service Bus Support: service_bus crate implementing Service trait *[ ] 0.4.0 - TOR hidden services: setup hidden service automatically *[ ] 0.5.0 - Send/Receive messages using TOR hidden services *[ ] 0.6.0 - Router control *[ ] 0.7.0 - Test Suite *[ ] 0.8.0 - Example CLI use cases *[ ] 0.9.0 - Example Service use cases *[ ] 0.10.0 - Determine if local I2P router installed *[ ] 0.11.0 - Determine local I2P router status *[ ] 0.12.0 - Auto-install I2P router *[ ] 0.13.0 - completed *[ ] 0.14.0 - All code documented *[ ] 0.15.0 - All examples documented

Setup - Ubuntu 18.04

  1. Download & Install TOR Router
    sudo apt install tor
  2. Uncomment ControlPort 9051 in file /etc/tor/torrc
  3. Start TOR
     sudo systemctl start tor
  4. Verify running
     sudo systemctl status tor
  5. Verify ports 9050 and 9051 open:
    ss -nlt
  6. Install libssl-dev if necessary
    sudo apt-get install libssl-dev