[][src]Crate toposort_scc

An implementation of Kahn's algorithm for topological sorting and Kosaraju's algorithm for strongly connected components.

This crate provides:

  • an adjacency-list based graph data structure (IndexGraph)
  • an implementation of a topological sorting algorithm that runs in O(V + E) time and O(V) additional space (Kahn's algorithm)
  • an implementation of an algorithm that finds the strongly connected components of a graph in O(V + E) time and O(V) additional space (Kosaraju's algorithm)
  • both algorithms are available via the .toposort_or_scc() method on IndexGraph

The id-arena feature adds an additional wrapper type (ArenaGraph) that allows topological sorting and finding of strongly connected components on arbitrary graph structures built with the id-arena crate by creating a proxy graph that is sorted and returning a list of indices into the original graph.



An adjacency-list-based graph data structure wrapping an Arena from the id-arena crate.


A builder object that allows to easily add edges to a graph


An adjacency-list-based graph data structure


A builder object that allows to easily add edges to a graph


A vertex in an IndexGraph