toposort-scc 0.5.1

An implementation of Kahn's algorithm for topological sorting and Kosaraju's algorithm for strongly connected components


An implementation of Kahn's algorithm for topological sorting and Kosaraju's algorithm for strongly connected components.

This crate provides:

  • an adjacency-list based graph data structure
  • an implementation of a topological sorting algorithm that runs in O(V + E) time and O(V) additional space (Kahn's algorithm)
  • an implementation of an algorithm that finds the strongly connected components of a graph in O(V + E) time and O(V) additional space (Kosaraju's algorithm)

The id-arena feature adds an additional wrapper type that allows topological sorting and finding of strongly connected components on arbitrary graph structures built with the id-arena crate by creating a proxy graph that is sorted and returning a list of indices into the original graph.


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