toml-query 0.10.0

Library to work with toml::Value objects more conveniently
#![recursion_limit = "1024"]
// We need this for error_chain, unfortunately.

/// # toml-query
/// A crate to help executing queries on toml data structures inside Rust code.

// external crates

extern crate is_match;
extern crate lazy_static;

#[cfg(feature = "log")]
extern crate log;

#[cfg(all(test, feature = "typed"))]
extern crate serde_derive;

extern crate quickcheck;

// public modules

#[cfg(not(feature = "log"))]
pub mod log;

pub use toml_query_derive::*;

pub mod delete;
pub mod error;
pub mod insert;
pub mod read;
pub mod set;
mod util;
pub mod value;

// private modules

mod resolver;
mod tokenizer;