tokio-tls 0.3.0-alpha.6

An implementation of TLS/SSL streams for Tokio giving an implementation of TLS for nonblocking I/O streams.
repository = "tokio-rs/tokio-tls"
version = "0.2"

version = "=0.2.0-alpha.6"

authors = ["Tokio Contributors <>"]
categories = ["asynchronous", "network-programming"]
description = "An implementation of TLS/SSL streams for Tokio giving an implementation of TLS\nfor nonblocking I/O streams.\n"
documentation = ""
edition = "2018"
homepage = ""
license = "MIT"
name = "tokio-tls"
repository = ""
version = "0.3.0-alpha.6"
all-features = true
[target."cfg(all(not(target_os = \"macos\"), not(windows), not(target_os = \"ios\")))".dev-dependencies.openssl]
version = "0.10"
[target."cfg(any(target_os = \"macos\", target_os = \"ios\"))"]
version = "0.2"
version = "0.1"

features = ["lmcons", "basetsd", "minwinbase", "minwindef", "ntdef", "sysinfoapi", "timezoneapi", "wincrypt", "winerror"]
version = "0.3"