tokio-console 0.1.7

The Tokio console: a debugger for async Rust.
use crate::{
    input, state,
    view::{self, bold},
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use tui::{
    text::{self, Span, Spans, Text},
    widgets::{Paragraph, TableState, Wrap},

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Weak;

pub(crate) trait TableList<const N: usize> {
    type Row;
    type Sort: SortBy + TryFrom<usize>;
    type Context;

    const HEADER: &'static [&'static str; N];
    const WIDTHS: &'static [usize; N];

    fn render<B: tui::backend::Backend>(
        state: &mut TableListState<Self, N>,
        styles: &view::Styles,
        frame: &mut tui::terminal::Frame<B>,
        area: layout::Rect,
        state: &mut state::State,
        cx: Self::Context,
    ) where
        Self: Sized;

pub(crate) trait SortBy {
    fn as_column(&self) -> usize;

pub(crate) struct TableListState<T: TableList<N>, const N: usize> {
    pub(crate) sorted_items: Vec<Weak<RefCell<T::Row>>>,
    pub(crate) sort_by: T::Sort,
    pub(crate) selected_column: usize,
    pub(crate) sort_descending: bool,
    pub(crate) table_state: TableState,

    last_key_event: Option<input::KeyEvent>,

pub(crate) struct Controls {
    pub(crate) paragraph: Paragraph<'static>,
    pub(crate) height: u16,

impl<T: TableList<N>, const N: usize> TableListState<T, N> {
    pub(in crate::view) fn len(&self) -> usize {

    pub(in crate::view) fn update_input(&mut self, event: input::Event) {
        // Clippy likes to remind us that we could use an `if let` here, since
        // the match only has one arm...but this is a `match` because I
        // anticipate adding more cases later...
        match event {
            input::Event::Key(event) => self.key_input(event),
            _ => {
                // do nothing for now
                // TODO(eliza): mouse input would be cool...

    pub(in crate::view) fn key_input(&mut self, event: input::KeyEvent) {
        use input::KeyCode::*;
        let header_len = T::HEADER.len();
        let code = event.code;
        match code {
            Left | Char('h') => {
                if self.selected_column == 0 {
                    self.selected_column = header_len - 1;
                } else {
                    self.selected_column -= 1;
            Right | Char('l') => {
                if self.selected_column == header_len - 1 {
                    self.selected_column = 0;
                } else {
                    self.selected_column += 1;
            Char('i') => self.sort_descending = !self.sort_descending,
            Down | Char('j') => self.scroll_next(),
            Up | Char('k') => self.scroll_prev(),
            Char('G') => self.scroll_to_last(),
            Char('g') if|e| e.code) == Some(Char('g')) => {
            _ => {} // do nothing for now...

        if let Ok(sort_by) = T::Sort::try_from(self.selected_column) {
            self.sort_by = sort_by;

        self.last_key_event = Some(event);

    pub(in crate::view) fn scroll_with(
        &mut self,
        f: impl Fn(&Vec<Weak<RefCell<T::Row>>>, usize) -> usize,
    ) {
        // If the list of sorted items is empty, don't try to scroll...
        if self.sorted_items.is_empty() {

        // Increment the currently selected row, or if no row is selected, start
        // at the first row.
        let i = self.table_state.selected().unwrap_or(0);
        let i = f(&self.sorted_items, i);;

    pub(in crate::view) fn scroll_next(&mut self) {
        self.scroll_with(|resources, i| {
            if i >= resources.len() - 1 {
                // If the last itsm is currently selected, wrap around to the
                // first item.
            } else {
                // Otherwise, increase the selected index by 1.
                i + 1

    pub(in crate::view) fn scroll_prev(&mut self) {
        self.scroll_with(|resources, i| {
            if i == 0 {
                // If the first item is currently selected, wrap around to the
                // last item.
                resources.len() - 1
            } else {
                // Otherwise, decrease the selected item by 1.
                i - 1

    pub(in crate::view) fn scroll_to_last(&mut self) {
        self.scroll_with(|resources, _| resources.len() - 1)

    pub(in crate::view) fn scroll_to_first(&mut self) {
        self.scroll_with(|_, _| 0)

    pub(in crate::view) fn selected_item(&self) -> Weak<RefCell<T::Row>> {
            .map(|i| {
                let selected = if self.sort_descending {
                } else {
                    self.sorted_items.len() - i - 1

    pub(in crate::view) fn render<B: tui::backend::Backend>(
        &mut self,
        styles: &view::Styles,
        frame: &mut tui::terminal::Frame<B>,
        area: layout::Rect,
        state: &mut state::State,
        ctx: T::Context,
    ) {
        T::render(self, styles, frame, area, state, ctx)

impl<T, const N: usize> Default for TableListState<T, N>
    T: TableList<N>,
    T::Sort: Default,
    fn default() -> Self {
        let sort_by = T::Sort::default();
        let selected_column = sort_by.as_column();
        Self {
            sorted_items: Default::default(),
            table_state: Default::default(),
            sort_descending: false,
            last_key_event: None,

impl Controls {
    pub(in crate::view) fn for_area(area: &layout::Rect, styles: &view::Styles) -> Self {
        let text = Text::from(Spans::from(vec![
            Span::raw("controls: "),
            bold(styles.if_utf8("\u{2190}\u{2192}", "left, right")),
            Span::raw(" or "),
            bold("h, l"),
            text::Span::raw(" = select column (sort), "),
            bold(styles.if_utf8("\u{2191}\u{2193}", "up, down")),
            Span::raw(" or "),
            bold("k, j"),
            text::Span::raw(" = scroll, "),
            bold(styles.if_utf8("\u{21B5}", "enter")),
            text::Span::raw(" = view details, "),
            text::Span::raw(" = invert sort (highest/lowest), "),
            text::Span::raw(" = quit "),
            text::Span::raw(" = scroll to top, "),
            text::Span::raw(" = scroll to bottom"),

        // how many lines do we need to display the controls?
        let mut height = 1;

        // if the area is narrower than the width of the controls text, we need
        // to wrap the text across multiple lines.
        let width = text.width() as u16;
        if area.width < width {
            height = width / area.width;

            // if the text's width is not neatly divisible by the area's width
            // (and it almost never will be), round up for the remaining text.
            if width % area.width > 0 {
                height += 1

        Self {
            // TODO(eliza): it would be nice if we could wrap this on commas,
            // specifically, rather than whitespace...but that seems like a
            // bunch of additional work...
            paragraph: Paragraph::new(text).wrap(Wrap { trim: true }),