tokio-console 0.1.7

The Tokio console: a debugger for async Rust.
use crate::config;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{borrow::Cow, str::FromStr};
use tui::{
    style::{Color, Modifier, Style},

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Styles {
    palette: Palette,
    toggles: config::ColorToggles,
    pub(crate) utf8: bool,

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum Palette {
    #[serde(rename = "off")]
    /// Use ANSI 8 color palette only.
    #[serde(rename = "8")]
    /// Use ANSI 16 color palette only.
    #[serde(rename = "16")]
    /// Enable ANSI 256-color palette.
    #[serde(rename = "256")]
    /// Enable all RGB colors.
    #[serde(rename = "all")]

fn fg_style(color: Color) -> Style {

// === impl Config ===

impl Styles {
    pub fn from_config(config: config::ViewOptions) -> Self {
        Self {
            palette: config.determine_palette(),
            toggles: config.toggles(),
            utf8: config.is_utf8(),

    pub fn error_init(&self, cfg: &crate::config::Config) -> color_eyre::Result<()> {
        use color_eyre::{
            config::{HookBuilder, Theme},

        let mut builder = HookBuilder::new()
            .issue_url(concat!(env!("CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY"), "/issues/new"))
            .issue_filter(|kind| match kind {
                // Only suggest reporting GitHub issues for panics, not for
                // errors, so people don't open GitHub issues for stuff like not
                // being able to find a config file or connections being
                // terminated by remote hosts.
                ErrorKind::NonRecoverable(_) => true,
                ErrorKind::Recoverable(_) => false,
            // filter out `color-eyre`'s default set of frames to skip from
            // backtraces.
            // this includes `std::rt`, `color_eyre`'s own frames, and
            // `tokio::runtime` & friends.
            .add_issue_metadata("version", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
        // Add all the config values to the GitHub issue metadata
        builder = cfg.add_issue_metadata(builder);

        if self.palette == Palette::NoColors {
            // disable colors in error reports
            builder = builder.theme(Theme::new());

        // We're going to wrap the panic hook in some extra code of our own, so
        // we can't use `HookBuilder::install` --- instead, split it into an
        // error hook and a panic hook.
        let (panic_hook, error_hook) = builder.into_hooks();

        // Set the panic hook.
        std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic_info| {
            // First, try to log the panic. This way, even if the more
            // user-friendly panic message isn't displayed correctly, the panic
            // will still be recorded somewhere.
            if let Some(location) = panic_info.location() {
                // If the panic has a source location, record it as structured fields.
                    message = %panic_info,
                    panic.file = location.file(),
                    panic.line = location.line(),
                    panic.column = location.column(),
            } else {
                // Otherwise, just log the whole thing.
                tracing::error!(message = %panic_info);

            // After logging the panic, use the `color_eyre` panic hook to print
            // a nice, user-friendly panic message.

            // Leave crossterm before printing panic messages; otherwise, they
            // may not be displayed and the app will just crash to a blank
            // screen, which isn't great.
            let _ = crate::term::exit_crossterm();
            // Print the panic message.
            eprintln!("{}", panic_hook.panic_report(panic_info));

        // Set the error hook.


    pub fn if_utf8<'a>(&self, utf8: &'a str, ascii: &'a str) -> &'a str {
        if self.utf8 {
        } else {

    pub fn time_units<'a>(&self, text: impl Into<Cow<'a, str>>) -> Span<'a> {
        let mut text = text.into();
        if !self.toggles.color_durations() {
            return Span::raw(text);

        if !self.utf8 {
            if let Some(mu_offset) = text.find("µs") {
                text.to_mut().replace_range(mu_offset.., "us");

        let style = match self.palette {
            Palette::NoColors => return Span::raw(text),
            Palette::Ansi8 | Palette::Ansi16 => match text.as_ref() {
                s if s.ends_with("ps") => fg_style(Color::Blue),
                s if s.ends_with("ns") => fg_style(Color::Green),
                s if s.ends_with("µs") || s.ends_with("us") => fg_style(Color::Yellow),
                s if s.ends_with("ms") => fg_style(Color::Red),
                s if s.ends_with('s') => fg_style(Color::Magenta),
                _ => Style::default(),
            Palette::Ansi256 | Palette::All => match text.as_ref() {
                s if s.ends_with("ps") => fg_style(Color::Indexed(40)), // green 3
                s if s.ends_with("ns") => fg_style(Color::Indexed(41)), // spring green 3
                s if s.ends_with("µs") || s.ends_with("us") => fg_style(Color::Indexed(42)), // spring green 2
                s if s.ends_with("ms") => fg_style(Color::Indexed(43)), // cyan 3
                s if s.ends_with('s') => fg_style(Color::Indexed(44)),  // dark turquoise,
                _ => Style::default(),

        Span::styled(text, style)

    pub fn terminated(&self) -> Style {
        if !self.toggles.color_terminated() {
            return Style::default();


    pub fn fg(&self, color: Color) -> Style {
        if let Some(color) = self.color(color) {
        } else {

    pub fn warning_wide(&self) -> Span<'static> {
            self.if_utf8("\u{26A0} ", "/!\\ "),

    pub fn warning_narrow(&self) -> Span<'static> {
            self.if_utf8("\u{26A0} ", "! "),

    pub fn selected(&self, value: &str) -> Span<'static> {
        let style = if let Some(cyan) = self.color(Color::Cyan) {
        } else {
        Span::styled(value.to_string(), style)

    pub fn ascending(&self, value: &str) -> Span<'static> {
        let value = format!("{}{}", value, self.if_utf8("", "+"));

    pub fn descending(&self, value: &str) -> Span<'static> {
        let value = format!("{}{}", value, self.if_utf8("", "-"));

    pub fn color(&self, color: Color) -> Option<Color> {
        use Palette::*;
        match (self.palette, color) {
            // If colors are disabled, no colors.
            (NoColors, _) => None,
            // If true RGB color is enabled, any color is enabled.
            (All, color) => Some(color),
            // If ANSI 256 colors are enabled, we can't use RGB true colors...
            (Ansi256, Color::Rgb(_, _, _)) => None,
            // ...but we can use anything else.
            (Ansi256, color) => Some(color),
            // If we are using only ANSI 16 or ANSI 8 colors, disable RGB true
            // colors and ANSI 256 indexed colors.
            (_, Color::Rgb(_, _, _)) | (Ansi16, Color::Indexed(_)) => None,
            // If we are using ANSI 16 colors and the color is not RGB or
            // indexed, allow it.
            (Ansi16, color) => Some(color),
            // If we are using ANSI 8 colors, try to translate ANSI 16 colors
            // 'light' variants to their 8 color equivalents...
            (Ansi8, Color::LightRed) => Some(Color::Red),
            (Ansi8, Color::LightGreen) => Some(Color::Green),
            (Ansi8, Color::LightYellow) => Some(Color::Yellow),
            (Ansi8, Color::LightBlue) => Some(Color::Blue),
            (Ansi8, Color::LightMagenta) => Some(Color::Magenta),
            (Ansi8, Color::Cyan) => Some(Color::Cyan),
            // Otherwise, if a previous case didn't match, the color is enabled
            // by the current palette.
            (_, _) => Some(color),

    pub fn border_block(&self) -> tui::widgets::Block<'_> {
        if self.utf8 {
        } else {
            // TODO(eliza): configure an ascii-art border set instead?

// === impl Palette ===

impl FromStr for Palette {
    type Err = &'static str;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        match s.trim() {
            "0" => Ok(Palette::NoColors),
            "8" => Ok(Palette::Ansi8),
            "16" => Ok(Palette::Ansi16),
            "256" => Ok(Palette::Ansi256),
            s if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("all") => Ok(Palette::All),
            s if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("off") => Ok(Palette::NoColors),
            _ => Err("invalid color palette"),

impl Default for Palette {
    fn default() -> Self {