token_adalt 0.1.0

Rust library that enables you to acquire security token from Azure Active Directory.


(Unofficial and temporary) Rust library that enables you to acquire security token from Azure Active Directory.

Supported Credentials


  let tenant_id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
  let client_id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
  let cert_location = "";
  let cert_password = "*********";
  let resource = "";
  // Create credentials
  let creds = adalt::Credentials::Pkcs12 { path: String::from(cert_location), password: String::from(cert_password), x5c:true };
  // create the session
  let mut ctx = adalt::Context::new(tenant_id, client_id, resource, creds);

  // token can be acquired via the future
  let token = ctx.get_token().await?;


Library uses

  1. reqwest for the calls to Active Directory
  2. openssl for reading certificates
  3. serde for creating jwt
  4. uuid