tmobile-internet-tools 0.3.0

Set of tools for working with T-Mobile Home Internet gateways
name = "tmobile-internet-tools"
version = "0.3.0"
authors = ["Noah <>"]
description = "Set of tools for working with T-Mobile Home Internet gateways"
license = "GPL-3.0-or-later"
repository = ""
edition = "2021"

cursive-extras = "0.4.2"
rust-utils = "0.4.1"

actix-web = "4.0.1"
actix-files = "0.6.0"
#awc = "3.0.0"
#futures-util = "0.3.21"
base64 = "0.13.0"
bincode = "1.3.3"
cursive = "0.18.0"
lazy_static = "1.4.0"
serde_derive = "1.0.137"
serde = "1.0.137"
reqwest = {version = "0.11.10", features = ["blocking", "multipart", "cookies"]}
ctrlc = "3.2.2"
chrono = "0.4.19"
rand = "0.8.5"
sha2 = "0.10.2"
json = "0.12.4"
hex = "0.4.3"
pad = "0.1.6"
colored = "2.0.0"

chrono = "0.4.19"

name = "tmo_tools"
path = "src/"

name = "gatewaymon"
path = "src/"

name = "tmo-webui"
path = "src/webui/"