tmdb_client 0.2.0

Rust client for The Movie Database (TMDB) API.
 * API
 * ## Welcome  This is a place to put general notes and extra information, for internal use.  To get started designing/documenting this API, select a version on the left. # Title No Description
 * The version of the OpenAPI document: 3
 * Generated by:

use reqwest;

pub struct Configuration {
    pub base_path: String,
    pub user_agent: Option<String>,
    pub client: reqwest::Client,
    pub basic_auth: Option<BasicAuth>,
    pub oauth_access_token: Option<String>,
    pub bearer_access_token: Option<String>,
    pub api_key: Option<ApiKey>,
    // TODO: take an oauth2 token source, similar to the go one

pub type BasicAuth = (String, Option<String>);

pub struct ApiKey {
    pub prefix: Option<String>,
    pub key: String,

impl Configuration {
    pub fn new() -> Configuration {

    pub fn new_with_api_key<T: Into<String>>(api_key: T) -> Self {
        let mut result = Configuration::default();
        result.api_key = Some(ApiKey {
            prefix: None,
            key: api_key.into(),

impl Default for Configuration {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Configuration {
            base_path: "".to_owned(),
            user_agent: Some("OpenAPI-Generator/3/rust".to_owned()),
            client: reqwest::Client::new(),
            basic_auth: None,
            oauth_access_token: None,
            bearer_access_token: None,
            api_key: None,