tls_codec 0.1.0

A pure Rust implementation of the TLS (de)serialization

TLS Codec

This crate implements the TLS codec as defined in RFC 8446 as well as some extensions required by MLS.

With the feature derive TlsSerialize and TlsDeserialize can be derived.

This crate provides the following data structures that implement TLS serialization/deserialization

  • u8, u16, u32, u64
  • TlsVecU8, TlsVecU16, TlsVecU32
  • SecretTlsVecU8, SecretTlsVecU16, SecretTlsVecU32 The same as the TlsVec* versions but it implements zeroize, requiring the elements to implement zeroize as well.
  • [u8; l], for l ∈ [1..128]
  • Serialize for Option<T> where T: Serialize
  • Deserialize for Option<T> where T: Deserialize