tle-parser 0.1.0

Parser for the TLE (Two-line elements)

TLE Parser

TLE (Two-line elements) parser.


extern crate tle_parser;

use tle_parser::parse;

fn main() {
    let raw_tle = "ISS (ZARYA)
1 25544U 98067A   20045.18587073  .00000950  00000-0  25302-4 0  9990
2 25544  51.6443 242.0161 0004885 264.6060 207.3845 15.49165514212791";

    let tle = parse(raw_tle);

    match tle {
        Ok(t) => println!("{:?}", t),
        Err(_) => println!("Error Parsing TLE"),

You can run this example with the following command:

cargo run --example parse_iss_tle