tinystr 0.2.0

A small ASCII-only bounded length string representation.

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tinystr is a small ASCII-only bounded length string representation.


use tinystr::{TinyStr4, TinyStr8, TinyStr16};

fn main() {
    let s1: TinyStr4 = "tEsT".parse()
        .expect("Failed to parse.");

    assert_eq!(s1, "tEsT");
    assert_eq!(s1.to_ascii_uppercase(), "TEST");
    assert_eq!(s1.to_ascii_lowercase(), "test");
    assert_eq!(s1.to_ascii_titlecase(), "Test");
    assert_eq!(s1.is_ascii_alphanumeric(), true);

    let s2: TinyStr8 = "New York".parse()
        .expect("Failed to parse.");

    assert_eq!(s2, "New York");
    assert_eq!(s2.to_ascii_uppercase(), "NEW YORK");
    assert_eq!(s2.to_ascii_lowercase(), "new york");
    assert_eq!(s2.to_ascii_titlecase(), "New york");
    assert_eq!(s2.is_ascii_alphanumeric(), false);

    let s3: TinyStr16 = "metaMoRphosis123".parse()
        .expect("Failed to parse.");

    assert_eq!(s3, "metaMoRphosis123");
    assert_eq!(s3.to_ascii_uppercase(), "METAMORPHOSIS123");
    assert_eq!(s3.to_ascii_lowercase(), "metamorphosis123");
    assert_eq!(s3.to_ascii_titlecase(), "Metamorphosis123");
    assert_eq!(s3.is_ascii_alphanumeric(), true);


It provides three structs:

  • TinyStr4 an ASCII-only string limited to 4 characters.
  • TinyStr8 an ASCII-only string limited to 8 characters.
  • TinyStr16 an ASCII-only string limited to 16 characters.

The crate stores them as u32/u64/u128 and uses bitmasking to provide basic string manipulation operations:

  • to_ascii_lowercase
  • to_ascii_uppercase
  • to_ascii_titlecase
  • is_ascii_alphanumeric
  • PartialEq

This set is sufficient for certain classes of uses such as unic-langid libraries.


For those uses, TinyStr provides performance characteristics much better than the regular String.


The crate is fully functional and ready to be used in production. The capabilities can be extended.
