tinybmp 0.6.0

No-std, low memory footprint BMP image loader
use embedded_graphics::{pixelcolor::Rgb888, prelude::IntoStorage, Pixel};
use tinybmp::Bmp;

fn colors_8bpp_indexed() {
    let bmp = Bmp::<'_, Rgb888>::from_slice(include_bytes!("./colors_8bpp_indexed.bmp"))
        .expect("Failed to parse");

        "there should be a color table for this image"

    let pixels: Vec<u32> = bmp
        .map(|Pixel(_pos, color)| color.into_storage())

    // 4px x 6px image. Check that iterator returns all pixels in it
    assert_eq!(pixels.len(), 4 * 6);

    let expected = Bmp::<'_, Rgb888>::from_slice(include_bytes!("./colors_8bpp_non_indexed.bmp"))
        .expect("Failed to parse non_indexed");

    let expected_pixels: Vec<u32> = expected
        .map(|Pixel(_pos, color)| color.into_storage())

    assert_eq!(pixels, expected_pixels);