tinted-builder-rust 0.11.0

Simple rendering of mustache templates
# tinted-builder-rust

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A builder for [base16] and [base24] templates using the `0.11.1`
[builder specification].

This crate contains a command-line tool to build base16 and base24
templates. It is also a library crate which you can use to directly
build templates within your own Rust application.

## Table of Contents

- [Installation]#installation
- [Basic usage]#basic-usage
- [Commands]#commands
- [Flags]#flags
- [Builder specification]#builder-specification
- [Contributing]#contributing
- [License]#license

## Installation


cargo install tinted-builder-rust


brew tap tinted-theming/tinted
brew install tinted-builder-rust


Download the relevant binary from the [repository releases] page.

## Basic Usage

tinted-builder-rust sync # To sync with latest schemes
tinted-builder-rust build path/to/base16-template

## Commands

The following is a table of the available subcommands for the CLI tool (tinted-builder-rust), including the descriptions and any notable arguments.

| Subcommand | Description                          | Arguments            | Example Usage                              | Flags |
| `sync`  | Installs and or updates latest schemes. | - | `tinted-builder-rust sync` | `--quiet` (silence stderr and stdout) |
| `build` | Builds the themes of a template. | `template_path`: Path to template directory. | `tinted-builder-rust build ./path/to/base16-template` | `--quiet` (silence stderr and stdout), `--sync` (equivalent of running `tinted-builder-rust sync` before `tinted-builder-rust build`) |

## Flags

| Flag/Option       | Description                             | Applicable Subcommands | Default Value | Example Usage                             |
| `--schemes-dir` `-s`   | Path to a custom local schemes directory to use when building. Only necessary if the [latest schemes repository] is not desired. | `build` | `tinted-builder-rust build . --schemes-dir=/path/to/schemes/dir` |
| `--data-dir` `-d`   | Specifies a custom path for the data directory. | All | Linux: `$XDG_DATA_HOME/tinted-theming/tinted-builder-rust` or `~/.local/share`. MacOS: `~/Library/Application\ Support/tinted-theming/tinted-builder-rust` | `tinted-builder-rust sync --data-dir /path/to/custom/data-dir` |
| `--help` `-h`     | Displays help information for the subcommand. | All | - | `tinted-builder-rust --help`, `tinted-builder-rust build --help`, etc |
| `--version` `-V`  | Shows the version of tinted-builder-rust. | All | - | `tinted-builder-rust --version` |

## Builder specification

tinted-builder-rust implements the `0.11.1` [builder specification]. This
specification details the scheme yaml format or schema as well as the
variables the builder should provide when rendering template mustache
file. Have a look at the [builder specification] document for more

## Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Have a look at [CONTRIBUTING.md] for more

## License

Ribboncurls is dual-licensed under the [Apache 2.0] and [MIT] licenses.
For more information about the licenses of the projects used by
Ribboncurls, have a look at [THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES.md].

[latest schemes repository]: https://github.com/tinted-theming/schemes
[home repository]: https://github.com/tinted-theming/home
[builder specification]: https://github.com/tinted-theming/home/blob/main/builder.md
[base16]: https://github.com/tinted-theming/home/blob/main/styling.md
[base24]: https://github.com/tinted-theming/base24/blob/master/styling.md
[builder specification]: https://github.com/tinted-theming/home/blob/main/builder.md
[repository releases]: https://github.com/tinted-theming/tinted-builder-rust/releases/latest