tinkerforge 2.0.8

Rust API bindings for https://www.tinkerforge.com Bricks and Bricklets.
2018-11-08: 2.0.0 (78e2e85)
- Initial version

2018-11-08: 2.0.1 (54b1772)
- Added readme.md and licenses

2018-11-08: 2.0.2 (2ee80c5)
- Fixed readme link in Cargo.toml

2018-11-08: 2.0.3 (bb98b1e)
- Fixed github links in readme.md

2018-11-21: 2.0.4 (1e56121)
- Fixed :func: links
- Relaxed IpConnection::connect type parameter requirements
- Fixed some documentation
- Added link to Tinkerforge docs and logo

2018-11-21: 2.0.5 (b98a86f)
- Module description and link to tinkerforge docs had no separating newline.

2018-12-21: 2.0.6 (e18c208)
- Removed duplicated assignment in Device::set_response_expected_all
- Fixed infinite loop when stream reading out of sync
- Implemented get_api_version
- Fixed name collision with stabilized (from/to)_le_byte methods.
- Fixed race condition in IpConnection setters.

2018-12-21: 2.0.7 (506e8dc)
- Documented changed compiler requirements.

2019-01-29: 2.0.8 (<unknown>)
- Add support for Accelerometer 2.0 and Ambient Light 3.0 Bricklet