Struct timely::dataflow::operators::InputHandle [] [src]

pub struct InputHandle<'a, T: Timestamp, D: 'a> {
    // some fields omitted

Handle to an operator's input stream.


impl<'a, T: Timestamp, D> InputHandle<'a, T, D>

fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(Capability<T>, &mut Content<D>)>

Reads the next input buffer (at some timestamp t) and a corresponding capability for t. The timestamp t of the input buffer can be retrieved by invoking .time() on the capability. Returns None when there's no more data available.

fn for_each<F: FnMut(Capability<T>, &mut Content<D>)>(&mut self, logic: F)

Repeatedly calls logic till exhaustion of the available input data. logic receives a capability and an input buffer.


use timely::dataflow::operators::{ToStream, Unary};
use timely::dataflow::channels::pact::Pipeline;

timely::example(|scope| {
           .unary_stream(Pipeline, "example", |input, output| {
               input.for_each(|cap, data| {