tiled-json-rs 0.2.1

A crate to parse and interact with Tiled editor JSON files

A handy crate for parsing the Tiled JSON data in to a usable structure.

The crate includes a few small helper functions on Map, TileSet, and TileLayer. These functions are for common tasks such as generating a cloumn/row location (tiles are stored in a 1D array), a located box on an image for helping with tile-to-tilesheet image picking, and loading files (or strings).


# use std::path::PathBuf;
use tiled_json_rs as tiled;
let map = tiled::Map::load_from_file(&PathBuf::from("tests/data/csv.json"))
.expect("Failed to load map");


  • GID starts at 0 for None
  • Local Id starts at 0 for TileSet
  • The tileset must be included in the JSON (this is temporary until parsing the path is done)