tiberius 0.4.2

A TDS (MSSQL) driver
# Tiberius
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A native Microsoft SQL Server (TDS) client for Rust.

### Supported SQL Server versions

| Version | Support level | Notes                               |
|    2019 | Tested on CI  |                                     |
|    2017 | Tested on CI  |                                     |
|    2016 | Should work   |                                     |
|    2014 | Should work   |                                     |
|    2012 | Should work   |                                     |
|    2008 | Should work   |                                     |
|    2005 | Should work   | With feature flag `tds73` disabled. |

### Documentation

- [Master]https://prisma.github.io/tiberius/tiberius/index.html
- [Released]https://docs.rs/tiberius

The system should work with the Docker and Azure versions of SQL Server without
trouble. For installing with Windows systems, please don't forget the following

### Feature flags

| Flag           | Description                                                                           | Default    |
| `tls`          | Enables TLS support.                                                                  | `enabled`  |
| `chrono`       | Support for Chrono's datetime structures.                                             | `enabled`  |
| `tds73`        | Support for new date and time types in TDS version 7.3. Disable if using version 7.2. | `enabled`  |
| `rust_decimal` | Read and write `numeric`/`decimal` values using `rust_decimal`'s `Decimal`.           | `disabled` |

### Enable TCP for SQL Server
As of now only TCP is supported, which is **disabled by default**.  
Make sure to enable TCP in your [MSSQL

### Encryption (TLS/SSL)

#### a) Make sure to use a trusted certificate
Make sure the certificate your using is trusted by your local machine.  
To create a self-signed certificate that is trusted you can use the following powershell:

$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName $serverName,localhost -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My
$rootStore = Get-Item cert:\LocalMachine\Root

You also have to [change the certificate in the SQL Server settings](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/316898/how-to-enable-ssl-encryption-for-an-instance-of-sql-server-by-using-microsoft-management-console).  
In a production setting you likely want to use a certificate that is issued by a

#### b) Disable certificate validation by using `TrustServerCertificate=true` in your connection string (requires 0.2.2)

#### c) Alternatively: Disable Encryption for LOCALHOST
For a connection to localhost, which will never leave your machine, it's safe to disable encryption.
Currently this is only possible by doing someting like the following in your `cargo.toml`:
tiberius = { version = "0.X", default-features=false, features=["chrono"] }
**This will disable encryption for your ENTIRE crate**  

### Securing Windows Authentication over TCP (non-localhost)

To ensure `Windows-Authentication` is secure, enable `Extended-Protection`.  
Channel-Bindings only work when `Force Encryption` and `Extended Protection`  
are enabled in the [SQL Server Settings as described here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/configure-windows/connect-to-the-database-engine-using-extended-protection).  
It also leads to SPN's being used, which makes replay attacks harder.  
Not supported yet.

### SQL Type Mappings

Any nullable type should be accessed as `Option<T>` where T is any Rust Type
listed below. This table unfortunately still is very incomplete, if you have a
question about a specific type please create an issue, which will make this
table grow.

| SQL Type             | Rust Type               | Feature |                                                                                                 |
| NVARCHAR, BigVarChar | &str                    |         |                                                                                                 |
| uniqueidentifier     | tiberius::ty::Guid      |         |                                                                                                 |
| DATETIME             | tiberius::ty::DateTime  |         |                                                                                                 |
| DATETIME2            | tiberius::ty::DateTime2 |         |                                                                                                 |
| DATETIME,DATETIME2   | chrono::NaiveDateTime   | chrono  | Support for versions below 7.4 (to 7.2 so that everything >= SQL Server 2008 works) is desired. |

### Supported Connection String Parameters

Not every parameter is supported yet. Below is a list of all parameters

| Parameters             | Description                                                                                                                            |
| server                 | The name or network address of the instance of SQL Server to which to connect. The port number can be specified after the server name. |
| integratedsecurity     | Toggle between Windows authentication and SQL authentication.                                                                          |
| uid, username, user    | The SQL Server login account.                                                                                                          |
| password, pwd          | The password for the SQL Server account logging on.                                                                                    |
| database               | The name of the database.                                                                                                              |
| trustservercertificate | Specifies whether the driver trusts the server certificate when connecting using TLS.                                                  |
| encrypt                | Specifies whether the driver uses TLS to encrypt communication.                                                                        |

## Old State (v0.1)

The old state can be found [in the "old" branch (click