three 0.4.0

Three.js inspired 3D engine in Rust
## Change Log

### v0.4 (11 Jan 2019)
  - glTF templates
  - sprite instancing

### v0.3 (24 Feb 2018)
  - parent objects now hold children alive, not the other way around
  - PBR materials, custom pipelines
  - glTF scene loader, including animation curves
  - animation framework with vertex skinning and morphing
  - instanced rendering
  - text objects
  - skybox and background texture support
  - richer input API
  - gltf examples: PBR shader, node animations, morpth targets, vertex skinning

### v0.2 (06 Jul 2017)
  - basic documentation
  - [Mint] math API
  - revamped input API, orbital camera controller
  - blend shape animations
  - optimized scene graph and renderer
  - examples: anim, group (cube-ception)

### v0.1 (08 Jun 2017)
  - scene graph built with [Froggy]
  - renderer with [gfx-rs]
  - cameras: perspective, ortho
  - window and input handling
  - Wavefront OBJ loader
  - texture loader
  - examples: lights, materials, obj, shapes, sprite, basic aviator